Gamzee: Discover Communicator

Mar 07, 2011 16:28

TC: WoAh, DaMn! ThIs ThInG iS lIkE a BaBy HuSkToP.
TC: i DiDn'T eVeN nOtIcE iT iN mY pOcKeT.
TC: iT's JuSt OnE mIrAcLe AfTeR aNoThEr ToDaY, iSn'T iT? :o)
TC: fIrSt I'm In PrOsPiT aGaIn, AnD nOw I fInD tHiS tHiNg!
TC: ToDaY iS fAnTaStIc.
TC: ThOuGh, ThIs PlAcE lOoKs LeSs AnD lEsS lIkE pRoSpIt ThE mOrE i LoOk At It.
TC: FoR oNe EvErYtHiNg IsN't GoLdEn As ( Read more... )

1st honk

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[text] dustedsunlight March 8 2011, 02:48:08 UTC
... Prospit?


[1/2] thegreathonk March 8 2011, 03:09:34 UTC

YeAh! It WaS lIkE tHe BeSt FuCkInG dReAm YoU'vE eVeR hAd, EvErYtImE yOu FeLl AsLeEp!
BuT a DeMoN mOtHeRfUcKeR cAmE bY aNd WrEcKeD iTs ShIt.
bUt NoW wE'vE gOt ThiS pLaCe To ChiLl OuT iN sO tHaT's PrEtTy AwEsOmE iN mY bOoK.


[2/2] thegreathonk March 8 2011, 03:17:29 UTC
...HoLd On, HoW hAvE yOu NeVeR hEaRd Of MoThErFuCkInG pRoSpIt?
ArE yOu LiKe A nAtIvE mOtHeRfUcKeR oR sOmEtHiNg?


[text] dustedsunlight March 9 2011, 05:30:41 UTC
I come from another world, but I've been living here a long time. You probably just arrived, right?


thegreathonk March 9 2011, 13:10:15 UTC

ThAt'S rIgHt!
I'm StIlL cArRyInG mY mOtHeRfUcKiNg PlAnEtArY pAsSpOrT.
hAvEn'T eVeN hAd TiMe To PuT tHaT sHiT dOwN.


dustedsunlight March 12 2011, 01:18:47 UTC
Brand new, then! Welcome to Discedo. I'm Naminé.

Do you have any questions? I mean, about the city.


thegreathonk March 12 2011, 03:43:35 UTC

NaW, i DoN't ThInK i'Ve GoT aNyThInG lIkE tHaT.
dO yOU?


dustedsunlight March 16 2011, 05:12:26 UTC
Questions? For you?

... No one's ever asked me that. Uh. What was your world like?


thegreathonk March 19 2011, 15:50:11 UTC

WhIcH oNe?
I mEaN, tHeY wErE aLl PrEtTy MoThErFuCkInG sWeEt In ThEiR oWn WaYs,
BuT i'M oN lIkE mY fOuRtH oR fIfTh WoRlD nOw.


dustedsunlight March 21 2011, 06:24:07 UTC
You had more than one? My world did, too. I mean where I came from.

If you don't mind, I'd love to hear about all of them.


Gamzee: Sing the song of your people to your guest. thegreathonk March 21 2011, 21:56:01 UTC

NaW iT's My MoThErFuCkInG pLeAsUrE!
sO lEt'S sEe...
FiRsT wE wErE aLl ChIlLiNg OuT oN oUr HoMeWoRlD wHiCh WaS cAlLeD aLtErNiA.
tHaT sHiT wAs ThE bEsT.
i HaD tHiS pAd RiGhT nExT tO tHe MoThErFuCkInG sEa.
It WaS lIkE sOmE lItTlE fAtE mIrAcLe JuSt HaPpEnEd To FlOaT bY mE aNd My GuArDiAn WhEn We WeRe PiCkInG a SpOt AnD wAs LiKe
HeY mOtHeRfUcKeRs HeRe Is YoUr MoThErFuCkInG pRoMiSeD lAnD rIgHt HeRe.
So We ToOk It.
ThAt WaS a TiMe WhErE yOu CoUlD jUsT kIcK bAcK aNd BaKe MoThErFuCkInG pIeS aLl ThE tImE.
i MiSs ThOsE dAyS sOmEtImEs.
HoNk :o)
AnY qUeStIoNs So FaR?


Namine: Attempt to absorb all information out of extreme curiosity. dustedsunlight March 23 2011, 05:03:28 UTC
Hee hee, thank you!

Next to the sea? It sounds beautiful.

Oh, I'm sorry for interrupting. Please, continue.


1/2 thegreathonk March 23 2011, 12:06:49 UTC
SuRe ThInG!
sO lIkE a BuNcH oF cRaZy ShIt HaPpEnEd ThAnKs To SoMe GaMe We WeRe AlL pLaYiNg, So I eNdEd Up In ThE lAnD oF uHh…
I fOrGoT :o(
bUt It WaS pReTtY aWeSoMe.
ThErE wErE lIkE tEnTs AnD sHiT eVeRyWhErE.


2/2 thegreathonk March 23 2011, 12:11:13 UTC
AnD tHeN wHeN yOu WeNt To SlEeP yOu EnDeD uP cHiLlInG oUt In LiKe ThE bEsT mOtHeRfUcKiNg PlAcE eVeR.
lIkE, eVeRyThInG wAs GoLdEn As ShIt AnD nObOdY sEeMeD wOrRiEd AbOuT fUcKiNg AnYtHiNg.
Oh, AnD tHaNkS tO tHe MoThErFuCkInG dReAm MiRaClEs, YoU cOuLd FlY.
aIn'T tHaT sOmE sHiT?


dustedsunlight April 3 2011, 09:04:55 UTC
The land of tents? Hee hee.

In your sleep? Now that sounds nice! I mean, to be able to visit other worlds even when you were sleeping.


thegreathonk April 3 2011, 22:17:24 UTC
aNd ThEn, SoMe MoRe CrAzY sHiT hApPeNeD, aNd We HaD tO rUn AwAy To ThIs CrAzY mEtEoR bAsE oR sOmE sHiT.
tHaT pLaCe WaS mY fAvOrItE.
iT wAs LiKe EvErYoNe WaS hUdDlInG uP iN a CoRnEr AlL sCaReD aNd ShIt.
BuT wE wErE aLl ToGeThEr
So I kNeW wE wErE gOiNg To Be OkAy.
We JuSt HaD tO hOlD oUt FoR a MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLe To FiX eVeRyThInG uP fOr Us.
HoNk :o).


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