I find these questions interesting and worth posting because I have been sitting in solitude all day in a cubiclee...and reading 8th grade science books
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A2. One muscle in the middle ear loosens the eardrum. Another muscle reduces the motion of the stirrup bone. This causes less energy to be transferred to the inner ear.
A1. The pressure of the lake at 30 feet would be the same as a pond at the same depth. Even though the lake is larger and applies more force, it has to apply that force over a larger area. It is distributed across this area and thus creates the same amount of pressure at a given depth.
A2. Because evolutionarily it's adaptive not to destroy your inner ear, however this response can only do so much before the muscle tires, which is why listening to loud music for longer periods of time is so dangerous, its not just that you are receiving constant decibles but also that the decibels actually seem louder the longer you listen.
A1. because gravity is equally pulling down on all the atoms at every point in the plane of 30 degrees in both places, however, if you were at the center of a giant mass of water in space and the center hapened to be 30 feet in you would experience the force from all directions on that single point.
Comments 2
A1. The pressure of the lake at 30 feet would be the same as a pond at the same depth. Even though the lake is larger and applies more force, it has to apply that force over a larger area. It is distributed across this area and thus creates the same amount of pressure at a given depth.
A1. because gravity is equally pulling down on all the atoms at every point in the plane of 30 degrees in both places, however, if you were at the center of a giant mass of water in space and the center hapened to be 30 feet in you would experience the force from all directions on that single point.
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