ha HA! Take THAT, Rene Portland!

Apr 18, 2006 19:14

FYI: The following press release is available on the Penn State Live site
University concludes investigation of claims against women's basketball coach
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

University Park, Pa. -- An investigation into claims of bias against women's basketball coach Rene Portland has been concluded. The investigation was launched in October by the University's Office of Affirmative Action following allegations by former Lady Lion basketball player Jennifer Harris that head coach Rene Portland had discriminated against her on the basis of her race and perceived sexual orientation.

The report was authored by Dr. Kenneth Lehrman, Director of Affirmative Action at Penn State and delivered to President Graham Spanier.

The report concluded that there was no evidence to substantiate Harris' claim of race discrimination.

The report did, however, conclude that enough evidence existed to substantiate a claim that Portland discriminated against Harris by creating a “hostile, intimidating, and offensive environment” because of Harris' sexual orientation. This is in violation of Penn State Policy AD-42, which prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics.

President Spanier has accepted the general finding and conclusion of the report to the extent that it finds that some of Coach Portland's actions violated University Policy AD-42.

Discrimination, for the purposes of AD-42, is defined as conduct of any nature that denies equal privileges or treatment to a particular individual because of certain personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications. Harassment may include, but is not limited to, any conduct that has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's performance or creates an offensive, hostile, or intimidating environment.

In accepting the report, Spanier acknowledged that certain elements of the complaint could be interpreted differently by reasonable people, but that the preponderance of evidence supported a conclusion that discrimination had taken place.

As a result of the report's findings and recommendations, Spanier ordered a series of actions to be taken:

• Coach Portland was delivered a letter to serve as a written reprimand that will become a permanent part of her official personnel file.

• The letter constitutes written notice that should Coach Portland be found in violation of Policy AD-42 for any actions that occur from the date of the letter going forward, she will be dismissed with cause from the University.

• Coach Portland is required to participate in a professional development experience devoted to diversity and inclusiveness. The experience will be chosen in consultation with and approved by Dr. Lehrman.

• While the report from the Director of Affirmative Action recommended a one-game suspension in the fall, President Spanier felt it necessary to have a sanction that was more immediate, and chose instead to have the University impose a $10,000 fine.

In addition to the actions taken against Coach Portland, Spanier also directed that the following actions be implemented by the Director of Athletics:

• For a three year period, NCAA mandated exit interviews of Lady Lion Basketball players will be conducted by a member of the staff of the Office of Affirmative Action, in addition to the administrator normally assigned to conduct such interviews. After three years, such interviews will be conducted according to athletic department policy.

• The Director of Athletics will submit for review to the President, by August 15, 2006, a revised protocol for exit interviews for all student athletes that allows for adequate checks and balances.

• All incoming student athletes should attend an informational training session conducted by the Office of Affirmative Action. The session should be designed to inform students of their rights under University Policy AD-42 and of available avenues inside and outside of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for filing discrimination complaints.

• The Director of Athletics will, at the annual fall meeting of all athletics staff, review University policies related to non-discrimination.
The imposition of sanctions and administrative changes brings the University's investigation to a close. A federal lawsuit filed by Harris is scheduled for mediation.

He finally did something right! Now i can -proudly- say that Graham drinks at my college bar.
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