Apr 14, 2011 03:11
- 11:57:38: I'm lovin' me some Buttonworks... These guys won our business for making amazing custom buttons for the third year in a row!
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Apr 13, 2011 03:10
- 06:59:54: RT @EmpoweredComic: Last time I pitched DC on doing new stories with TITANS: SCISSORS, PAPER, STONE, I was told the property was (and I ...
- 07:02:14: Just Posted: Method to Madness Podcast - Plastic Little
- 08:33:44: Been out of commission the past day and a half... Now, back in the saddle.
- 09:31:51: CRAP! I
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Apr 10, 2011 03:12
- 10:36:04: Gaaah... Another great recording session made unusable by crappy audio quality.
- 10:57:10: RT @saladinahmed: "US Budget is like Oregon Trail: Spend all your $ on ammo, then wonder why your wagon's falling apart & everyone's dyi ...
- 13:21:52: Some dickhole bent my car antennae. Wonder if it's the same dickhole whose driver side I blocked
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Apr 09, 2011 03:10
- 11:14:42: Gah... I was on a decent roll with something I was writing then completely forgot where I was going. Naturally it's about idiots like myself
- 11:48:31: I say god DAMN, I hate the movie Time Cop... It makes me so angry.
- 12:39:15: After almost a year, I finally beat the Disgaea level where I was stuck. Aw, crap... It's sucking me back in!!
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Apr 07, 2011 03:11
- 08:15:23: RT @TheSpoonyOne: Why is Tyler Perry? #HollywoodPostItNotes
- 10:48:01: RT @DarylSurat: "WHERE MAH SKULL" --Curtis Jackson, philosopher-king RT @ichiwaru: RT this if u don't have a skull
- 11:00:15: I just learned that Disgaea: Infinite is just a reskinned Infinite Loop... Why did I not know this? And why haven't I finished it yet?
- 16:10:00
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Apr 05, 2011 03:13
- 12:43:57: I will be spending the next week digesting and forming an opinion on this: First thought: Ditch the heels.
- 15:45:34: How busy am I? It's taken me 2.5 hours to finish a 12oz bowl of chili I started for lunch. The last bite was pretty cold...
- 16:08:39: RT @Zerochan: New Gamepro cover: "Last Guardian, Games Are Art,
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Apr 04, 2011 03:11
- 00:08:54: I made it to the bottom of a Stone Old Guardian... I'M GOING TO SLEEP NOW.
- 09:43:30: Oh yeah... I let my paid LJ status expire. I wish they'd let me choose which user icons got the axe, but whatever. Default's good enough.
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