Confusing, so confusing that I almost though I was still dreaming, but apparently I'm not and it's real. My best friend, my comrade, my so called "brother" is in love with me. I'm shocked to say the least, he's always been such a ..... womanizer. Always falling in love instantly with any pretty girl he sees. Confusing me even more since I'm quite sure we both are aware I'm male and I'm most certainly NOT attractive, not with...... *glances at arm and traces his scar, slowly letting his fingers touch his white hair* all of THIS.
He'd always rave about attractive woman of every nationality and their associations with him. I'd never expect him to be gay... or even bi. Which makes me wonder what exactly I am. I'm not suppose to become attached to anyone, because in the end...... In the end I'm suppose to kill them. Lavi's all I have left, my last tie to the Order and that life. He's my best friend, the first and only.... Do I really want to risk it? What if this is just a fleeting fancy? I don't know..... He could tire of someone like me pretty easily so.... I guess... I need more time to think things over.