Teknikolorgirl67 (9:20:48 PM): i am just scared that i might enjoy this a little too much
TheBroknSt (9:20:55 PM): lol enjoy wat
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:21:16 PM): discussing the whether there is or isnt a god with u
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:21:21 PM): u might get annoyed
TheBroknSt (9:21:24 PM): lol but we're not discussing anything
TheBroknSt (9:21:29 PM): cuz u dont have any questions
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:21:30 PM): oh u kno wat i mean
TheBroknSt (9:21:33 PM): and i dont want to preach
TheBroknSt (9:21:34 PM): ^_^
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:22:03 PM): god was just an idea created to keep the human population i line
TheBroknSt (9:22:09 PM): nope
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:22:22 PM): ppl just cant get over the fact that sometimes, good ppl suffer and dont reap benefits
TheBroknSt (9:22:24 PM): atheism is for arrogant and scared lil boys
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:22:27 PM): and evil ppl get away with evil deeds
TheBroknSt (9:22:33 PM): but u see
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:22:37 PM): thats life.
TheBroknSt (9:22:42 PM): where do we even get the sense of good and evil from then?
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:22:56 PM): dont make up a heaven or hell to give urself a false sense of due justice
TheBroknSt (9:23:01 PM): no
TheBroknSt (9:23:04 PM): listen to what im saying
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:23:17 PM): i am sorry, wen i say god and evil i do not use themi biblical terms n stuff
TheBroknSt (9:23:17 PM): if ur saying that the universe is too unjust for God to exist
TheBroknSt (9:23:26 PM): im not using biblical terms either
TheBroknSt (9:23:30 PM): if ur saying that the universe is too unjust
TheBroknSt (9:23:37 PM): where do we get the sense of just and unjust from?
TheBroknSt (9:23:55 PM): surely...we shouldnt know that its unjust if we're part of the unjust picture and theres no just
TheBroknSt (9:24:06 PM): surely, someone cant call a line crooked if he doesnt know what a straight line is
TheBroknSt (9:24:18 PM): surely, u dont have a concept of darkness, if uve never seen the light, thus blind
TheBroknSt (9:24:52 PM): y r we so outraged at the unjust and meaningless of the universe? when we ourselves should be oblivious because there is no standards to which we can call something unjust or meaningless
TheBroknSt (9:25:02 PM): r u saying that things r unjsut just cuz it happens to displease u?
TheBroknSt (9:25:17 PM): surely ur not calling urself the absolute truth...r u?
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:25:26 PM): uhm...no
TheBroknSt (9:25:35 PM): do u see where im coming from?
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:25:41 PM): i get ur point
TheBroknSt (9:25:50 PM): ^_^
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:25:52 PM): but i attribute the origins of good/evil, just/unjust
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:26:09 PM): to other beginnings, not god or anything
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:26:59 PM): it could have...gone from physical pain/suffering to the idea evolved idea where maybe...it wasnt necessary to have these hurtful feeligns
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:27:15 PM): blahdy blahdy blah
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:28:04 PM): "hey look, i am in pain, i do not like this, i am human,and as such im gonna make a term called unjust, which means, i do not deserve the pain"
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:28:36 PM): theres a bajillion details im leaving out, which u cud pick on me for, so to speak
TheBroknSt (9:28:37 PM): yes
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:28:37 PM): but im not full -intent on trying to convince u n all
TheBroknSt (9:28:40 PM): but thats saying
TheBroknSt (9:28:47 PM): that whatever happens to not please u
TheBroknSt (9:28:48 PM): is evil
TheBroknSt (9:29:02 PM): whats causing u pain
TheBroknSt (9:29:07 PM): might be pleasure to a masochist
TheBroknSt (9:29:12 PM): what im saying is this
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:29:18 PM): maybe , hoyoung, that is wat humans created the word evil for
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:29:24 PM): simply because they didnt like something
TheBroknSt (9:29:27 PM): there IS an inexplicable standard of right and wrong
TheBroknSt (9:29:32 PM): no...i think not
TheBroknSt (9:29:36 PM): there are people who LIKE evil
TheBroknSt (9:29:39 PM): in fact, men ARE evil
TheBroknSt (9:29:45 PM): thats y the world that we live in are evil
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:30:27 PM): no such thing as good and evil really, everything is coincidental
TheBroknSt (9:30:38 PM): now ur getting to pantheism
TheBroknSt (9:30:49 PM): but if everything is coincidental
TheBroknSt (9:30:52 PM): in other words
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:30:56 PM): i killed a woman, that womans family goes, oh, GOD will make u pay
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:31:06 PM): etctc, and the next day, i get into a car crash
TheBroknSt (9:31:12 PM): tough luck
TheBroknSt (9:31:14 PM): maybe it was God
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:31:15 PM): yay, i got wat ideserved. no.
TheBroknSt (9:31:16 PM): maybe it wasnt
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:31:23 PM): no god. just bad luk
TheBroknSt (9:31:31 PM): no
TheBroknSt (9:31:36 PM): but what u'll see after that crash
TheBroknSt (9:31:37 PM): IS god
TheBroknSt (9:31:56 PM): God isnt like our idea of karma
TheBroknSt (9:32:03 PM): the divine justice wont happen on earth
TheBroknSt (9:32:08 PM): God chose not to hamper with our free will
TheBroknSt (9:32:16 PM): we'll run around this world like crazy monkeys as we please
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:33:06 PM): hamper=prevent, intervene. (HAH PSAT vocab..)
TheBroknSt (9:33:23 PM): yes
TheBroknSt (9:33:30 PM): do u see what im saying?
TheBroknSt (9:33:40 PM): God wont necessarily punish an evil guy in this world
TheBroknSt (9:33:50 PM): but what im saying is this
TheBroknSt (9:33:55 PM): our sense or right and wrong
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:34:00 PM): mhm..
TheBroknSt (9:34:01 PM): our outrage at the evils of this world
TheBroknSt (9:34:05 PM): the cruelty of the universe
TheBroknSt (9:34:09 PM): can only be explained by God
TheBroknSt (9:34:13 PM): because, like i said
TheBroknSt (9:34:21 PM): we need a norm standard to compare to, to discern the abnormal
TheBroknSt (9:34:35 PM): we cant call anything wrong if we dont know what right is
TheBroknSt (9:34:49 PM): we cant call that rectangle crooked if we dont know what a square is
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:34:54 PM): but...we truly do not know wat it is
TheBroknSt (9:35:00 PM): oh yes we do
TheBroknSt (9:35:04 PM): we know wrong when we do it
TheBroknSt (9:35:08 PM): we know wrong when we see it
TheBroknSt (9:35:15 PM): we all have this thing inside our heads
TheBroknSt (9:35:19 PM): called conscience
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:35:47 PM): we think we know wrong, but we just have an idea fully influeneced and created by general concensus, we think its concience, but its how weve been raised and brought up
TheBroknSt (9:36:07 PM): *shakes head*
TheBroknSt (9:36:14 PM): we learn multiplication table at school, no?
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:36:18 PM): the moral values n principles theyve tuffed into our heads
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:36:20 PM): yes
TheBroknSt (9:36:31 PM): multiplication table is a human invention, no?
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:36:40 PM): yep
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:36:48 PM): (getting philosophical)
TheBroknSt (9:36:55 PM): does that make 2x2 = 4 a human invention?
TheBroknSt (9:36:56 PM): i think not
TheBroknSt (9:37:07 PM): a quantity of 2 times a quantity of 2 will always be a quantity named 4
TheBroknSt (9:37:08 PM): period
TheBroknSt (9:37:11 PM): thats the law of nature
TheBroknSt (9:37:14 PM): thats the law of mathematics
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:37:21 PM): hm.........................................................
TheBroknSt (9:37:23 PM): just cuz the multiplication table was invented by men
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:37:29 PM): i cud argue either side to that one
TheBroknSt (9:37:36 PM): doesnt mean that the natural rules of math was invented by men
TheBroknSt (9:37:44 PM): just cuz morals were passed down to us thru parents and teachers
TheBroknSt (9:37:48 PM): doesnt mean men invented it
TheBroknSt (9:37:57 PM): thats y i want u to look at a cosmic scale
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:38:08 PM): hm
TheBroknSt (9:39:03 PM): becuz we can just look at the ENTIRE universe
TheBroknSt (9:39:05 PM): and know its wrong
TheBroknSt (9:39:08 PM): full of pain and injustice
TheBroknSt (9:39:30 PM): but we ourselves are not in the place sit on top and pass the ultimate judgment on all of the universe
TheBroknSt (9:39:34 PM): tahts just plain arrogancy stupidity
TheBroknSt (9:39:53 PM): so there MUST be some kind of standard of good and evil
TheBroknSt (9:39:57 PM): that we're comparing ourselves and our world to
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:40:14 PM): i cant believe this, once upon a time, u got pissed off at me because i mocked you -we-came-from-monkeys-belief
TheBroknSt (9:40:48 PM): :-D
TheBroknSt (9:40:55 PM): but hey, whatever side i argued
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:40:56 PM): theres no standard, human made up standards, but ppl wanna believe that some higher entity exists and mandates ultimately
TheBroknSt (9:40:57 PM): i was good at it
TheBroknSt (9:40:59 PM): ;-)
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:41:01 PM): yea
TheBroknSt (9:41:18 PM): ur saying religion is the crutch for the weak
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:41:19 PM): im not good at it, so i dont bother tryin to convince ppl
TheBroknSt (9:41:21 PM): i think not
TheBroknSt (9:41:25 PM): im not weak
TheBroknSt (9:41:28 PM): nor am i manipulated
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:41:30 PM): i dont say crutch for the weak
TheBroknSt (9:41:38 PM): well, thats the general saying
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:41:41 PM): dont assume things.
TheBroknSt (9:41:43 PM): it was said by this guy named nietche
TheBroknSt (9:41:46 PM): i was just quoting
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:41:48 PM): ohh..ok
TheBroknSt (9:42:07 PM): but u see
TheBroknSt (9:42:09 PM): ur saying
TheBroknSt (9:42:13 PM): humans made up the standards
TheBroknSt (9:42:22 PM): with which they use to call the univserse unjust
TheBroknSt (9:42:29 PM): but...we're supposed to be PART of that universe
TheBroknSt (9:42:50 PM): a distorted house in a distorted picture cant correct itself saying its distorted
TheBroknSt (9:42:59 PM): imagine a group of people born in complete darkness
TheBroknSt (9:43:01 PM): thus with no eyes
TheBroknSt (9:43:08 PM): they wouldnt say their environment is dark
TheBroknSt (9:43:12 PM): cuz theyve never seen the light
TheBroknSt (9:43:17 PM): so they dont know what darkness is
TheBroknSt (9:43:27 PM): the world is evil, yes
TheBroknSt (9:43:32 PM): but evil cant exist without good
TheBroknSt (9:43:36 PM): the world is dark, yes
TheBroknSt (9:43:41 PM): but darkness can only exist cuz tehres light
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:44:27 PM): if i were not so incontrovertible, u wud have got me
TheBroknSt (9:44:38 PM): oh i kno
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:44:40 PM): but i cant believe there is a god
TheBroknSt (9:44:41 PM): i dont expect u to change
TheBroknSt (9:44:55 PM): u know whats the line with which i converted?
TheBroknSt (9:45:08 PM): the truth can be heard only by those whose hearts are ready to accept it
TheBroknSt (9:45:16 PM): if ur not ready to accept it, ur not gonna listen no matter what i say
TheBroknSt (9:45:35 PM): thus...it really isnt mine or anyone else's job to give u a faith
TheBroknSt (9:45:37 PM): but God's
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:45:42 PM): .....aahh...
TheBroknSt (9:45:49 PM): and thats y christ says that only the chosen by God will accept the truth
TheBroknSt (9:46:05 PM): which means not that he'll hamper with our free will, or reject anyone with faith
TheBroknSt (9:46:16 PM): but that only the ones whose hearts he work on can accept the faith
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:46:30 PM): theres no heaven or hell, ppl die. ppl die, and ill just go to hell for being a non-believer, oh well.
TheBroknSt (9:46:39 PM): tsk tsk
TheBroknSt (9:46:48 PM): even apart from the concept of heaven and hell
TheBroknSt (9:46:57 PM): cuz even i myself am not really on good grips with those
TheBroknSt (9:47:03 PM): dont u feel that life is meaningless/
TheBroknSt (9:47:04 PM): and unjust?
TheBroknSt (9:47:08 PM): u think u'll jsut suck it up and deal with it
Teknikolorgirl67 (9:47:10 PM): eh yea
TheBroknSt (9:47:17 PM): but ur mortality and purposelessness will get to u
TheBroknSt (9:47:19 PM): trust me
TheBroknSt (9:47:20 PM): ^_^