Doo dee doo, good turn of fortune. I'm going to be crashing at a place in London Bridge, which is a hell of a lot closer to Heathrow than Greenwich -- or at least half way and less hassley with another person around. Louise the RC chaplain at Greenwich offered me a spare room, and I'm gonna take it to save on the stress. No intarwebz for me
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Comments 4
What ever became of James? I never see him online anymore and we never got together when I came over in January.
2. James has essentially withdrawn from all of the chat crew. I think it was his logic that if he gets the new significant other and the immediate happiness, I get the friends. Not quite sure what's run through his head the last few months -- he cut me (and everyone else off) quite suddenly. He seems to be doing well professionally and healthwise, but I really don't know anything else, sadly.
Are hostels that bad? Is it worth staying in one of the other boroughs, or are they too far away from everything?
I would wager, however, that because hostels aren't as big in US as in Europe, they aren't as regulated. It might be a crapshoot. I'd say just read all the reviews you can and try to make an educated decision with that.
Manhattan is like Central London in terms of pricing compared to the surrounding areas. I would say you might have better luck in Brooklyn or Queens; I say that since I saw a fair bit of both as a little kid since Mom and Dad had family there. I'm a big question mark as to the Bronx. Long Island and Staten Island are too far if you're focusing on NYC.
So yarr, edumacate via reviews would be your best chance.
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