can we possibly get schnockered tomorrow when I get back? because i can't wait for your graduation!
help me get home faster! we were like 45 minutes away from reaching no-storm land when they wanted to stop. after that 45 minutes, it was clear weather. but no. were in bates motel US freaking A
Comments 3
Oh yes! ...Mercy on paperback on the 26th, Santa Olivia on the 29th, and Naamah's Kiss on June 24th (why, oh, why can't it be in paperback?). :)
can we possibly get schnockered tomorrow when I get back? because i can't wait for your graduation!
help me get home faster! we were like 45 minutes away from reaching no-storm land when they wanted to stop. after that 45 minutes, it was clear weather. but no. were in bates motel US freaking A
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