
Sep 27, 2009 19:48

Warming up before the actual training programme never felt so long before. Or was it the (fast but still manageable) stroke rate that made it seem very long? Despite my mind playing games with my body, i'm glad CJ was a seat somewhere behind me 'cos he surely made the warm up rowing session less torturing. I'm still trying to figure out how he's ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

jollyolme September 28 2009, 11:01:21 UTC
back to rowing again?


thehappylullaby September 29 2009, 04:18:24 UTC
yea for SAVA at least. they needed people so they pulled me in. i miss rowing and i kinda got back the hweeling to row on sat so i'll decide after SAVA if i'm gonna continue or not. :)


jollyolme September 29 2009, 04:39:47 UTC
i seeeee. so which team is that your taking part with?


thehappylullaby September 30 2009, 02:29:07 UTC
mtbatten for SAVA. :)
you wont be able to be at the race right? not racing but watching


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