Et Cetra Et Cetra, no punctuations

Oct 02, 2009 13:32

It's Friday it's so not cool to work till closing at an uncool place but maybe just alil less uncool since china doll won't be arnd to get on my nerves am i making sense yes right she's probby somewhere lost in msia not that i care anyway i'm happy without her

Dang mtbatten trg starts at 0800 tmr so much for "Same time same place next week!" i do ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

egenekoh October 2 2009, 07:51:24 UTC
hehehehehe! - now this is Cheeky smile. hmm or you want Chicky meal?


thehappylullaby October 4 2009, 16:09:21 UTC
how is that a cheeky smile when there was no smile?yes cheeeky meal at astons thanksyous! :)


none pacemakerheart October 3 2009, 03:01:28 UTC
hahaha...the kinder surprise thingy is like a thingy which u put on top of your pencil right? i have two of those! my daddy got me kinder surprise when i was back in sing. im starting to wonder if those kinder surprise crap is true. cause it seems like we're all just getting the same damn surprise. what the hell....


Re: none thehappylullaby October 4 2009, 16:10:50 UTC
hahaha i think so theres a hole beneath that kinder surprise thingy! okay that sounds just so wrong if you read it dirty way LOL okay i'll stop cmnting here. aye what color is your kinda surprise! we could start our collection! HAHAHA so childish cannot take it please.


Re: none pacemakerheart October 5 2009, 01:55:55 UTC
tsk tsk tsk...since when did u have a dirty mind. erm...mine was like i think its the same one that u've got. which is why i said its no kinder surprise at all! boooooo


Re: none thehappylullaby October 5 2009, 07:14:24 UTC
haha ohh no wonder. maybe its all just green but thats so misleading cos on that piece of paper hidden with the surprise, it showed more than 1 color. if im not wrong theres suppose to be brown and other colors too! cheater buggger!


joykuan October 4 2009, 12:46:31 UTC
Hello BG!I was at my friend's place hahaha. Where were you? (:


thehappylullaby October 4 2009, 16:11:43 UTC
haha jttw! i was at barrage! :)


joykuan October 4 2009, 16:12:57 UTC
Haha nice. Do you even know why you're BG? Hahaha.


thehappylullaby October 4 2009, 16:14:31 UTC
HAHAHA NO! i never thought abt that so wai am i BG?


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