I am fat and happy on this glut of Bush fic, yet I am only halfway through. What joy of joys is alphabet soup. Ridiculously grateful thanks to
lokei .
I had a bit of a fandom pause for a week or so, and now I'm back, as rabid as ever. List of things to write, or to mull over:
- The five recurring nightmares of William Bush
- The death of HH. This is all worked out, but it will need time, it's going to be longish, and plus it's tearing my soul out.
- Five things: five ships HH served on. This is going ok, though it's nothing spectacular.
- The five times Bush returned to Chicester and the one time he didn't: I am not even at square one with this.
- The five loves of HH: same
- What I really want to write is some kind of absurd crossover fic between HH, WB, and Foucault. As
black_hound has pointed out to me, HH and WB are genuinely on either side of the enlightenment rationalism threshold, or the archaic/modern worlds; plus, they are gay gay gay in a time when gay wasn't a subject position like it is now. Mix that in with all my obsessive reading about the land enclosures, colonial expansion, and precapitalist subjectivities, and there's a humdinger of a project there, even if it would have an audience of zero. Seriously though, how would i work this strange little frenchman in? How would I bear out the theories? It is such a fun idea, and one that might actually entail me understanding things like what the historical a priori actually is, but actually writing it: hmm.
I thought of this on my own but did stumble across another LJ fangirl who also did something with Foucault and HH/WB, so apologies to her and it proves that there is nothing new under the sun, even when it involves crossing critical theory with the world's obscurest fandom.
One other thing: there's two or three people who've added me to their flists, which is really nice. I can't tell much about them, though, as their LJs are in Russian, hence the not friending back (but let me know if you'd like me to to read friends-only entries). I like to know some super basic stuff about people before I friend back, just to check you're not, you know, a neo fascist advocate of child pornography, or a fan of Jeremy Clarkson, or something.
So, I'm a bit mystified as people rarely friend me and there's been this small spate in a short time and now I'm hanging between offending people by questioning who they are, and the vanity of actually imagining that not one but several people from Russian LJ might actually want to friend me.
But anyway, hello! and sorry I've not friended back so far.