What do you think? The M&C and LOTR ones looked like so much fun. We talked about it before and then I did nothing about it. This was because I had no private internet at the time, but nowadays only a persian kitten and numerous ants are around to hear me squee.
First and foremost, for me it would need to be on a Friday night or a Saturday as I
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Comments 41
I'd love to watch the Captain Hornblower movie. Second choice is Loyalty.
I live on the East Coast of the US.
Any of those listed Saturdays is fine with me.
AND YES I DO OBJECT TO GRUFFUDD'S EYE ROLLING AND SIGHING MAQUERADING AS ACTING. But since he's a pretty boy and makes pretty eyes at his lieutenant I'll forgive him. Sorta. XD
Oh god. My favourite sigh is when Styles boils the coffee (in fact, one of my favourite bits of terrible scripting and acting combined) and Bush goes 'but coffee's not meant to be...' and Hornblower goes '... boiled? I know,' and then he does this massively camp sigh. It's hilarious. Just not in the way it's meant to be.
And in response to 6) - b) although this is easily compensated for by g)
We can also do esmerelda_t's idea of a 'drop-in' group watch over one weekend some time.
I totally know the needing a little privacy thing - that's exactly why it took me so long to actually think about organising it. :D
Anytime between 20.00 and about 03.00 would do me, I'm fairly nocturnal ;)
A drop in group watch is an excellent idea. She's a smart cookie that esmerelda_t isn't she?
I totally know the needing a little privacy thing
I'm just being a complete sap really :}
2) I think Mutiny/Retribution would be the best bet as it's got both Archie and Bush. To be honest I probably wouldnt participate if it was the Peck film as Gruffudd is Hornblower for me, eye rolling and all.
3) I'm in GMT.
4) I suck at that sort of stuff.
5) I can't do Saturday's during the day, it'd need to be after 9pm, although a Friday after 9pm would be better.
I'd like to do a group watch and am happy to watch anything from the TV series, but I'm not sure how feasible a live one is, could I suggest instead of watching it together, we just have a weekend where people should have watched it by and then people can drop in and out as they've got the time to chat about it?
In any case I have your preferences down. Late friday evenings GMT are good for me too, and if the USA can rush home from work quickly... the only problem is Oz then, but we haven't had any Oz replies yet.
Thanks. Cripes, I'm rubbish at this.
Any of the TV show or the movie, however.I have none of them.
I live in the eastern stime zone of the US.
My personal peeve is cannons the don't recoil after being fired.
the H'hm of GP can be ignored most of the time.
H'hm of GP can be ignored most of the time.
What I don't understand is that nobody had the guts to go up to Peck on set and just say, for god's sake, it's basically as if you're clearing your throat. It's not some special 'new sound'. XD
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