Meta: The Humanity of the Winchesters: Sam, Dean, and the Superhuman Bond between Brothers

Aug 18, 2012 12:53

Author: purplehrdwonder
Title: 'The Humanity of the Winchesters: Sam, Dean, and the Superhuman Bond between Brothers'
Subject: An exploration of the brotherly bond and how it relates to their humanity
Note: This was written for ash48's prompt at the theheartofspn's Winchester Summer LOVEfest.
Summary: It is somehow both appropriate and ironic that Dean tells Sam that they keep each other human. Because, while the brothers’ bond embodies their very best-their humanity-in some ways it also represents their superhumanity, as their love for each other pushes them places no mere mortal could, or should, ever go.


lovefest: content, content posts, meta

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