Apr 17, 2011 03:29

Rules & FAQs
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Lottery Scenes
Character Restrictions


While most are probably already generally familiar with the rules below, they've been spelled out here so that my expectations are clear. Instead of saying "be active", I've tried to make it clear exactly what is considered being active.

Here you can also find information regarding activity checks, how many characters they can have, what is considered being active, information about tagging and formatting in journals, and other general information like what journals are used for.


If you put the time and effort into writing a claim, we are happy to let you in. This doesn't mean that we're expecting one the length of a novel. We understand that some people simply don't enjoy the application process; however, it is a necessary aspect of role playing. As long as the post is easy to read, grammatically and punctually correct, and realistic in relation to the setting, it is, in our opinion, an acceptable claim. If you are rejected, please don't take it personally.


Keep OOC and IC business separate. Drama between players should not be carried over into play, and character drama should not be taken personally out of character.

RP drama is inevitable - especially given the setting in this case. However, this doesn't mean disputes can't be handled civilly between players. If players are unable to end a dispute between themselves, they should contact the moderator through personal message, either through LJ or AIM.

Individuals that start drama will only be given one warning before being dismissed from the game on the second offense. The same is true of those who are found to be participating in and/or encouraging drama. There will be no exceptions - drama will not be tolerated here.

If you have a problem with someone here (a player or the mod), please tell me. I'm here to help, but I can't if you don't make what's bothering you clear.



Upon being accepted, make sure to do the following:

1) Make use of the friend add.

2) Post your application - including a brief (or detailed - your choice entirely) to your character journal. This is required. If your profile still hasn't been posted after a week of your acceptance, it could result in your dismissal from the game.

4) Make an introduction in the OOC community. It gives others a place to discuss in game relationships with your character or what have you.



While we don't expect you to devote your every waking moment to this game (and would be quite concerned if you did), we do expect you to stay active in some form. Doing so helps to keep other players who've built relationships with your characters active and encourages new players to join.

Players are expected to post at least 1 log or thread every month as well as keep up with replies. Activity checks will occur at the end of each month. Any characters who have not met requirements by the appointed date will be removed (there will be a warning).

Characters that continuously meet the bare minimum (i.e. replying only once or twice to a thread to resist removal) will be given a warning for not meeting activity requirements. After a warning, this character will be removed on the second offense.



This community is one where all members are encouraged to know each other in some shape or form. This is a high school, after all, and it is highly unlikely that you will have no idea at all who you are attending class with in some format.

Characters will be randomly selected to participate in what I have dubbed 'Lottery Scenes'. I will randomly select several characters to interact regardless of their social interaction in-game. The setting and basic plot of the scene will be left to be decided between the two players behind the selected characters.

Completion of the scene will be counted towards the activity check.



There is currently no limit to how many characters you can pick up, however, keep in mind your own limitations. Try not to overdo it or stretch yourself too thin. Additionally, players should try to avoid playing two characters who would interact regularly (i.e, a brother and sister).



Hiatuses are allowed for up to 14 days. A hiatus lasting for more than 10 days could result in your dismissal from the game. However, this will be dealt with case-by-case (constantly being busy with work/school is a lot different than not having access to a computer for a certain length of time). If a player needs additional time, some exceptions may be made.

Hiatus notifications should be posted in the OOC community. That way everyone knows you're on hiatus and for how long. If possible, please include the following information as a courtesy to other players:

Character Name/Journal:
Length of Hiatus:
Expected Return Date:
What will your character be doing in the meantime?

*This form is also posted at the OOC community for easy access.



The RPG's plot is developed by all of the RPG's members instead of the mod alone. This gives everyone an opportunity to contribute to the game and develop aspects of their character they might otherwise miss out on as well as keeps things interesting.

Because of this, it's expected that plots be created with the setting in mind and the RPG should not be used solely for any one purpose (playing with one specific player, for example). If any players have ideas for school-wide plots, please contact the moderator immediately. New ideas are always appreciated.



The things your character does will have repercussions (both positive and negative). If your character burns down a building, they're not just going to get off scot-free and other characters aren't going to treat them like they once did. The mod isn't going to adjust the entire plot or backtrack just because of one character, so you have to roll with the punches.

That being said, please give the mods a heads up about plots that involve rape, extreme illness, abuse, teen pregnancy*, etc.

*As a note, please take into consideration the statistics of this particular plot line before deciding to put it into play. We can't have a ton of pregnant teenagers walking around, and given where the school is located, it's not exactly a realistic aspect for the setting. However, it does happen, so the situation isn't banned. Just... heavily monitored.



Should you decide to leave or drop a character, please leave a message in the OOC community.



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