Ich heiße Schuldig. Und sie heißt Ken.

Jan 13, 2005 00:59

IneffableLies (10:19:08 PM): the colors, and the boldness...and the...weiss-ness. soccer freak! (...see, this is what i mean. schuldig's taken over my brain.)

ImmerDaBisTod (10:19:53 PM): well at least i am not a mind fucker XP

IneffableLies (10:20:43 PM): oi~! I don't have to live with a takatori obsessed ice queen who plays with katanas. ^_^

ImmerDaBisTod (10:22:11 PM): what about that bradly man...i swear that pole up his ass must get bigger every day, because that last few times i saw him his face was more contorted than normal

IneffableLies (10:23:10 PM): aha! don't hear you call him bradley... otherwise, crawford'll have the last word on what's up who's ass. ...face? contorted? hm...he shows emotions!?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:24:22 PM): aya shows emotions...it might just be one....and i mean COME ON omi has enough emotions for both him and aya...and some 3rd world countrys...you have an emotionless one to that nagi kid

ImmerDaBisTod (10:24:40 PM): and he is angsty...atleast we arnt angsty XP

IneffableLies (10:25:55 PM): ...really now? ...i seem to remember quite a few angsty moments from you guys. "ASUKAAAAA!" "OUKAAAAAA!" ..."Soccer ball!!" ...nope, wait...that last one hasn't happened yet. and as for nagi? ...well, his heart made him fall for a mentally fucked up girl...who wouldn't angst?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:26:57 PM): well why did he fall for a 5 year old any way...and how did you know about the soccer ball...i mean that wasnt a soccer ball that was...ummm.....well you jump like a girl

IneffableLies (10:27:38 PM): and you wear bulletproof vests, and make friends called 'cheese'.

IneffableLies (10:28:03 PM): ...and we don't work in a flowershop, so there!

ImmerDaBisTod (10:28:22 PM): i dont want to work in the flower shop i thought i already told you this

ImmerDaBisTod (10:28:38 PM): aya really doesnt let me any more...remember i killed one of his presious plants

ImmerDaBisTod (10:28:56 PM): useing it as a soccerball for one of my stories

IneffableLies (10:29:55 PM): ...oh yeah. you think I really want to be an evil assassin? ...well, not really. the mind fucking is a nice side benefit..but other than that, it's routine. yohji doesn't like it either, ya know...that's why we both are with each other all night....ack...fighting. that's what i definitely was going to say, fighting.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:31:08 PM): that would explain why yohji comes home and cant really walk...i thought it was clubbing but if you say you 2 are fighting i guess that makes sence ^_^

IneffableLies (10:31:42 PM): ...yes, ken. we're fighting. with ropes and handcuffs. ...you know, just the normal type of fighting...just keep believing that.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:32:06 PM): ok...what ever you say mind fucker...

IneffableLies (10:32:54 PM): ...and for your omi problem...have you tried ritalin? ...farf chopped some up and made ritalin candycanes... apparently, nagi has a weakness for candycanes...that was a bad week.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:35:29 PM): yeah...that didnt work, it brought him down to about the level of a normal teen age girl...still bouncy and hyper, but much more moody...that was a horribe time "BUT I ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF THE FLOWERS!!!.....why cant ken do it" and when ever that auka came during that time he would start talking clotheing with her... why talk clothing when you could talk about soccer, that is fun dirt and mess every where ^_^

IneffableLies (10:36:36 PM): ...clothing? ...that kid's gayer than a bushel full of monkeys hidden in the unmowen meadows of bavaria, isn't he?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:36:43 PM): has farfie made any messes lately...he was telling me about one he wanted to make...but i took the knife away ^^ but knowing him there are atleast 100 more where that came from

ImmerDaBisTod (10:37:51 PM): omi gay...well duh...even i can see that, and he seems to have taken a likeing to that nagi kid...dont understand it really the 2 are total opposites except for the fact that they are assassins and are both chibis

IneffableLies (10:38:09 PM): hmm, farfie has been talking about sunday fun lately...i assumed he meant board games and anime...like we do every weekend. might wanna keep an eye on him then. i'll find the spare he took away from that last priest.

IneffableLies (10:38:16 PM): nagi...hmmm...i'm sensing chibi torture.

IneffableLies (10:38:43 PM): ...oh, how i love to tease the chibis, and know that their short puberty ridden bodies can't fight back.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:39:34 PM): i try to get the chibi to play with me...but he refused he "dosent like sports, it will ruin my shoes" bah...shoes are ment to be ruined

IneffableLies (10:40:20 PM): what you need to do is start a weiss christmas tradition. get the kid a pair of soccer cleats for his birthday, and then make him play every christmas, otherwise you won't take him to see santa claus.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:40:55 PM): santa claus!!! ::runs away:: BIG FAT MAN IN SUIT~!!!!!

IneffableLies (10:41:18 PM): ohoh! ...the weiss kitty has a secret aversion to the fat man, does he?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:43:59 PM): umm...::shifty eye:: no...well yeah, one year when i was trying to sneak down stairs to see him when i was little i looked up the chimminey and all i saw was this big fat ass coming down it...and believe it or not i was more dense when i was yound so i stayed there and the fat man sat on me....and he didnt notice, and he brought a whole new meaning to the song "i saw mommy kissing santa claus" except it wasnt my mommy...it was the orphanage leader and he was a scary man

IneffableLies (10:46:19 PM): ...oh. poor baby. then you went and ran away to the bigger scarer guys of kritiker? ...eh, you didn't go to rosenkreuz. those are some childhood memories. one christmas, you're living in the mountains of bavaria, happy with your family... then the next, boom! you're in rosenkreuz...the christmas tree was a random kid decked out in christmas lights...we used the steam from him for heat! ...ah, shut up, crawford. it is true, and you know it.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:47:50 PM): i did that one year!!!! i was the christmas tree^_^ but aya made me stand in a bucket of water one time...that hurt ::twitches from the memories::

IneffableLies (10:48:29 PM): ...is that why you limp? are you missing a toe or something?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:48:52 PM): let me check

ImmerDaBisTod (10:48:59 PM): nope all 9 are there

IneffableLies (10:49:30 PM): ...good job there, ken. how exactly does melting tinsel taste anyway?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:50:54 PM): actually it kinda tastes like vodka, then again i had been drinking that night

IneffableLies (10:51:41 PM): ...aha. and the lovely bottle explains it all. should i read aya's mind and figure
out all that happened that night?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:51:55 PM): NO!!!

ImmerDaBisTod (10:52:19 PM): and if you do...dont pay any attion to what happened in the closet that night

IneffableLies (10:52:38 PM): ...hmmm...aha...i see...you do know that closet wasn't locked right?

ImmerDaBisTod (10:53:44 PM): -_- i knew i forgot something...i mean i have no clue what you are talking about...i would do nothing of the sort with the 'ice queen' as you called him

IneffableLies (10:54:14 PM): ...that's what they all say...you know, yohji was a major protest bitch, himself... they break eventually.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:54:53 PM): yohji is bi! isnt he...i dont know any more...that man confuses me

IneffableLies (10:55:20 PM): ...if i catch him sleeping with someone else, especially a woman, i will rip him limb from limb...i mean, yes, he is bi.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:56:27 PM): ^^;

ImmerDaBisTod (10:57:02 PM): ::gets out journal and writes:: remember never to piss schu off with out your bugnuks

IneffableLies (10:57:44 PM): *big evil grin along with the rabid drug laugh*

ImmerDaBisTod (10:57:58 PM): hey that is farfies thing to do...

ImmerDaBisTod (10:58:15 PM): i mean i would know nothing about what goes on with him late at night ^^;

IneffableLies (10:58:36 PM): ...farfie creates garish silver christmas trees. end of story.

ImmerDaBisTod (10:59:14 PM): i like those trees ^^ ::has one sitting next to the desk::

ImmerDaBisTod (11:00:04 PM): he gave it to me last time we went on a killing spree...i mean fought one another ::big innocent smile::

IneffableLies (11:00:18 PM): ...bad, bad kenken. i'll have crawford fight you next time.

IneffableLies (11:00:28 PM): and damn, it's schwarz's curfew time. i must go, weiss.

IneffableLies (11:01:01 PM): ...*grudingly* good night, siberian.


VermillionAmour (11:06:02 PM): we would stab it if we could, wouldnt we precious, yesss...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:06:33 PM): ...aw, farfie. did nagi forget to give you your sedatives again?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:06:42 PM): (schuldig's taken over my brain.)

VermillionAmour (11:07:29 PM): no. but smeagol impressions hurt god.

VermillionAmour (11:07:35 PM): ^_7

VermillionAmour (11:08:27 PM): *licks knifesicles*

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:08:58 PM): wait a minute...farfie, where are you? 'cause your definitely not at the
schwarz safehouse. what did we tell you about those late night church slaughters?

VermillionAmour (11:09:54 PM): oh no im not there. i figure, schwarz, german, germany, nazis, holocaust, jewish, rabbis! rabbis are clergy!

VermillionAmour (11:09:56 PM): ^_^

VermillionAmour (11:10:16 PM): heh heh heh...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:10:48 PM): ...farfie. you're making as such as a rabbit cowering at the bottom of a massive swimming pool. although...rabbis = religion. eh, have fun!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:11:03 PM): remember, hostages can be tracked. just kill everyone. leave no memory.

VermillionAmour (11:11:32 PM): hos-ta-ge-s...?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:12:02 PM): you know...those people with the nice eyes you try to remove, then drag back to the house?

VermillionAmour (11:12:18 PM): oh... i thought those were called toys...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:12:48 PM): nope. we learn something everyday. hostages = people w/o eyes. toys...well, you keep those one for a while. they stay around until nagi forgets to feed them.

VermillionAmour (11:13:21 PM): hehe... i like nagi. nagi's a fag. gay people hurt god.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:14:00 PM): except for the omi kid. too many emotions fuel third world countries. and now matter how gay the kid is, the emotions overpower the help.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:14:05 PM): *no matter

VermillionAmour (11:14:21 PM): ...what?

VermillionAmour (11:14:29 PM): blood?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:14:54 PM): yes. farfie. look at the pretty knife. blood. see the blood? no? ...then go put some blood on it.

VermillionAmour (11:15:41 PM): my knife isnt silver anymore... i never said i was in germany. i just thought jewish rabbi's.

VermillionAmour (11:15:49 PM): ooh ooh!

VermillionAmour (11:15:53 PM): guess where i am!

VermillionAmour (11:16:07 PM): i'm the only white person!

VermillionAmour (11:16:13 PM): its sandy!

VermillionAmour (11:16:24 PM): and everybody around me is dead!

VermillionAmour (11:16:26 PM): ^_^

VermillionAmour (11:16:28 PM): guess!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:16:57 PM): you're in hawaii! and since you're irish, you couldn't tan! ...and since you couldn't tan...you got mad and slaughtered! ...or...you're in the middle eatst.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:17:07 PM): *east.

VermillionAmour (11:17:14 PM): yay! you guessed the second time!

VermillionAmour (11:17:26 PM): I'm in Jerusalem... MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

VermillionAmour (11:17:30 PM): ^__________________^

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:17:58 PM): oh...*yells to crawford* crawford! farfie got out of the country again!

VermillionAmour (11:18:34 PM): schuldig... why didnt you just... telepathicly tell him?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:18:34 PM): yes...yes...another holy ground. what? you don't care anymore? ...oh,
nice. farfie...go have fun. i'll wire you some money. go blow up the white house.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:18:42 PM): because...i'm smashed?

VermillionAmour (11:18:50 PM): oh.

VermillionAmour (11:18:52 PM): me too.

VermillionAmour (11:19:10 PM): did you know that rabbi's use sacrificial wine too?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:19:55 PM): ...really, now. difference farfie. me = drink strong alcohol, hope to get laid. you = drink wine mixed with blood, look for more victims. ...actually, you sound like you're having more fun.

VermillionAmour (11:20:09 PM): im making my own wine!

VermillionAmour (11:20:53 PM)::*has pants rolled up to straps, stepping on hearts of victims, in a vat made
from rib bones*

VermillionAmour (11:20:59 PM): tra la la!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:20:59 PM): "The Inferno. The wine that both tastes good, and hurts god at the same

VermillionAmour (11:21:18 PM): ...okay. i like mine better.

VermillionAmour (11:22:08 PM): oh. and tell crawford that im quitting schwarz to follow my life long dream... im going to become a traveling winemaker!

VermillionAmour (11:22:09 PM): ^_^

VermillionAmour (11:22:38 PM): oh... and could you wire me some more money? my happy needley swordy mabob died.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:23:02 PM): of course.so...to make this wine...where are you getting the bodies?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:23:18 PM): jersualem won't last forever.

VermillionAmour (11:23:30 PM): the bodies? i told you. traveling winemaker.

VermillionAmour (11:23:41 PM): oh i know. jerusalem's gone.

VermillionAmour (11:24:19 PM): come visit me! my addres is 1, knifesicle lane, in the city of the red sea!

VermillionAmour (11:24:23 PM): *grins*

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:24:31 PM): ...really. i'll watch the news then. where's the slaughter next? ...i want to keep a map. it can be schwarz' memory of you. that and the little garish silver tree you left behind last year from christmas.

VermillionAmour (11:24:51 PM): heehee...

VermillionAmour (11:25:08 PM): where next... hmm... ooh! paris!

VermillionAmour (11:25:17 PM): burn the notre dame ^_^

VermillionAmour (11:25:46 PM): plus, the french are wusses... its more fun when i have to chase them.

VermillionAmour (11:26:06 PM): ^_^

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:26:07 PM): yes, paris...the city of love, and fast runners. it'll help you keep in shape.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:26:53 PM): besides...remember, farfie. ...you're irish. you drink. strongly. they're french. they drink...wine. and that's it. that's a sin.

VermillionAmour (11:27:17 PM): really? ive always just relied on knives to slice off any fattyness... farfarello, doctor of plactic-surgery-ology...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:27:51 PM): so, that's how you did it. i always wondered why you didnt have to go on those early morning jogs with crawford to lose all the eggnog weight.

VermillionAmour (11:28:11 PM): i mean why else do you think i wear that chest bandagey thing

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:28:34 PM): decor? bandages being the "in" thing in the psychopatic fashion world?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:28:45 PM): *psychopathic

VermillionAmour (11:29:09 PM): no no thats random strappies... and bloodstained everythings.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:30:07 PM): what about the whole storing knifes in your skin thing? that still in? ...or
have pouchs come back in now.? ...one's gotta know, especially since, you know. it's hard storing a gun inside your arm.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:30:24 PM): not that i've tried to.

VermillionAmour (11:32:13 PM): no. i keep them in my skin still. but the chest bandages... im gonna let you in on a secret here... i dont have nipples. i cut them off. along with fatty lovehandles.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:33:01 PM): that explains everything. weiss always wondered about that. after all, you stand in -30 degree weather...and nothing.

VermillionAmour (11:33:14 PM): yep.

VermillionAmour (11:33:49 PM): course... its really just nagi and omi those little whelps, that have that issues... those silly girls.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:34:39 PM): yeah...according to ken, your ritalin candycanes don't do anything for omi. they just make him act like a normal teenage girl...he starts talking about clothes.

VermillionAmour (11:35:56 PM): odd... i could have sworn he was either a gay boy... or a really ugly lesbian

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:36:34 PM): definitely a gay boy. if he was a really ugly lesbian, i'd sell him to the
lesbian bar down the street.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:36:37 PM): i need money.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:36:40 PM): crawford hogs it.

VermillionAmour (11:37:10 PM): what happened to that youji guy from weiss? he looked like you could make a
buck or 400 off of him...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:38:06 PM): tried it, failed. apparently, to be a lesbian, you can't have a penis. ...ah, well. i could try the s&m club on the other side of us...but they'd probably look at him and laugh.

VermillionAmour (11:38:21 PM): yeah...

VermillionAmour (11:39:07 PM): but why not just use him as bait? put him on a street corner, wait in the
shadows, and when somebody intrested shows up, kill them and take their monies. repeat.

VermillionAmour (11:39:32 PM): *looks down* oops. impaled my fot on somebody's shin...

VermillionAmour (11:39:36 PM): foot*

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:40:04 PM): tried it. apparently, the only business man interested in a assassin is crawford. and killing him would be bad. ...really...farfie, get your foot out of their shin...i've taught you a million times. feet belong in the skull.

VermillionAmour (11:40:36 PM): no no my foot is in a skull. but theres a shin in my foot.

VermillionAmour (11:41:07 PM): a shin in my foot in a skull... now how long has that shin been there???

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:41:52 PM): probably since japan. i bet you anything that is one of those japanese
priests...you know, the ones that had pretty hands...and you used them to recreate the crucifix?

VermillionAmour (11:45:46 PM): *doesnt remember* was i drunk?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:46:36 PM): i think so. amazingly. ah, yes. that was the night we made you cook the
turkey, so you got trashed, and nagi almost died from food poisoning...human heads cook at different
temperatures than turkeys, apparently.

VermillionAmour (11:47:30 PM): hmmm... wait... oh yeah... i remember that... i forgot i was supposed to cook, and thought you just meant dispose of bodies...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:50:50 PM): aah, common mistake.

VermillionAmour (11:51:10 PM): heehee... oh yeah... dont look in my closet.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:51:48 PM): farfie, what is that smell anyway? crawford's been complaining, nagi's been burning incense, and i've been sleeping over at weiss' house...i mean, staying at a hotel.

VermillionAmour (11:52:41 PM): lets just say... i like to steal things out from under youji...

VermillionAmour (11:52:49 PM): and aya, for that matter.

VermillionAmour (11:53:00 PM): :-D

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:53:21 PM): *jaw drops, is reduced to a stuttering telepath*

VermillionAmour (11:53:42 PM): what? it was consensual!

VermillionAmour (11:53:52 PM): and they were still alive!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:54:27 PM): ah, as long as they were still alive, we're fine. schwarz has to draw the line somewhere.

VermillionAmour (11:55:03 PM): tell that to little miss 5-year-old fetish nagi.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:55:25 PM): hey, i said somewhere. didn't say where. and nagi...well, he's nagi.

VermillionAmour (11:55:48 PM): heehee... you know whats funny?

VermillionAmour (11:56:09 PM): hes a little bitch, and if you drop the i, his name is nag.

VermillionAmour (11:56:14 PM): nag nag nag!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:56:42 PM): yes, but he's a telekinetic bitch. we'll see how many times you can have
"sony" imprinted in your forehead before you get bored.

VermillionAmour (11:57:19 PM): is that what your little head bandy thing is for?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:57:40 PM): yep. except mine doesn't say "sony" it says "bitch". nagi stole something from bill gates apparently.

VermillionAmour (11:58:10 PM): oh yeah... that reminds me... dont look under my bead either.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (11:58:49 PM): oh, farf. you know, one day crawford's going to go OCD on us, and make
us clean. best to tell me now. what'd you forget this time?

VermillionAmour (12:01:12 AM): um... um... well... you know how nagi likes rammstein right? well i went to till's house and... got nagi a birthday present...

VermillionAmour (12:01:14 AM): ^_^

VermillionAmour (12:01:34 AM): there's a long, thin cooler... dont open it.

VermillionAmour (12:01:41 AM): it'd spoil the suprise.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:01:46 AM): oh god. you didn't! farfie...way to go! ...you just decapitated a legend! ...in a way.

VermillionAmour (12:01:59 AM): but... it saved him money on pants!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:02:18 AM): ...but you cost him all his girls! ...*feels german pride dropping*

VermillionAmour (12:02:26 AM): and i think he liked it at first... then he realised it was going to come all the way off...

VermillionAmour (12:02:38 AM): hey. you deserve it.

VermillionAmour (12:02:43 AM): irish is better.

VermillionAmour (12:03:49 AM): you know im a natural red head right? you know what that means? i'm a firestarter... *whistles*

VermillionAmour (12:04:08 AM): :-D

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:04:18 AM): farfie~! lay off the whiskey...back to the slaughter!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:04:31 AM): ...i'm going to mourn the loss of my german hero.

VermillionAmour (12:04:40 AM): but... im to hammered to do anything but squish bodies!

VermillionAmour (12:04:47 AM): and he still lives...

VermillionAmour (12:05:01 AM): and i thought you guys liked that furher chick?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:05:48 AM): chick? farfie, that was no chick? ...that was a dominatrix. ...and she's not coming home with me anymore.

VermillionAmour (12:07:14 AM): oh... pity... she stopped by my cell and told me she liked my straitjacket and my scars... i spat at her.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:07:46 AM): good thing you were in a cage then, she was a vicious one.

VermillionAmour (12:08:43 AM): hmm... seemed kind of turned on when i spat... i laughed... its funny when your hookers flirt with me.

VermillionAmour (12:09:15 AM): that reminds me... dont look under your bed.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:09:37 AM): yeah, well...i woke up one morning with one of your knifes on my bedstand. it's being unfaithful to you...i've been killing with it. oh god...what'd you do now?!

VermillionAmour (12:10:13 AM): i forget who i put there... but tell nagi to look under his... Tot ist tot.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:11:11 AM): oh. thank you! ...did you manage to take the rest of schreient with you? ...or just another birthday gift for nagi? ...being gay is hard enough for the poor boy, do you really want him to be a bisexual necrophilac as well?

VermillionAmour (12:11:56 AM): ...yes

VermillionAmour (12:12:26 AM): and no i didnt take the rest of them... i like the vain one... shes silly

VermillionAmour (12:12:51 AM): worried about scars on her face... i laugh

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:13:23 AM): yeah, scars on the face are nothing. you need to teach her what scars are, farf. don't kill her, though. 'cause ex-supermodel suffering hurts god.

VermillionAmour (12:14:01 AM): mhmm...

VermillionAmour (12:14:42 AM): damnit... i just pierced my achillies... note to self: take out bones before
attempting to make wine.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:15:31 AM): yes, while bones do make it taste better, they hurt...damn it, farf. this is why you need to hire children slaves.

VermillionAmour (12:15:41 AM): ...

VermillionAmour (12:15:50 AM): i mailed them to you...

VermillionAmour (12:15:59 AM): or at least.. the useful halves...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:16:34 AM): how many times do i have to tell you?! despite my looks, i'm not a pedophile...and never will be, no matter now much it'll hurt god!

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:16:54 AM): i'll mail them back.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:16:56 AM): where are you now?

VermillionAmour (12:17:47 AM): well then give them to youji for ken...

VermillionAmour (12:17:55 AM): he likes kids, right?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:18:28 AM): yes. very much so. you know that he thinks about kids when he fights you, right. sketchy bastard.

VermillionAmour (12:19:17 AM): heehee... i think, therefore, its premeditated.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:20:15 AM): or during the holiday season, random. and "in the spirit of the season."

VermillionAmour (12:22:48 AM): no, you remember my tradition dont you? i always dress up as an elf!

VermillionAmour (12:23:17 AM): cause who doesnt trust an elf, when he says the scars and eyepatch are
from training the reindeer?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:23:35 AM): nobody! ...gullible little fools.

VermillionAmour (12:23:57 AM): yes... i love christmas in america... its just so gloriously SECULAR!

VermillionAmour (12:24:02 AM): ^__^

VermillionAmour (12:25:28 AM): ...i'm horny... i need to go kill something...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:26:02 AM): then go do so. we all know what happens last time you ignored your urges. ...that massacre...that was hardcore, farf.

VermillionAmour (12:27:38 AM): what? 3 nunnery's in one night is overkill?

VermillionAmour (12:28:00 AM): wow... you should have known me at 16...

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:28:37 AM): i think i heard of ya. wasn't it you who slaughtered the entire city of manchester?

VermillionAmour (12:29:11 AM): no but i know the guy... ever hear about that covenant of nuns with the stigmata, and none of them were virgins?

VermillionAmour (12:29:22 AM): THAT was my work. at 16.

VermillionAmour (12:29:37 AM): they all had to be institutionalized

VermillionAmour (12:29:47 AM): all 264.

VermillionAmour (12:29:58 AM): silly teen hormones

VermillionAmour (12:30:09 AM): ^_^

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:30:24 AM): ...oh yeah...i remember that. that was amazing. job well done, farf. i think we would've gotten along well.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:31:12 AM): remember the private girls' school next door to rosenkreuz? ...well, i guess there's something about hormones and school uniforms.

VermillionAmour (12:31:32 AM): ooooh... yay for telepathy, yes?

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:31:54 AM): yes. telepathy and video cameras. an 16 year old's heaven on earth.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:32:15 AM): and the good type of heaven, as in the immoral porn heaven, not the god

VermillionAmour (12:33:05 AM): good... cause... im still kinda drunk, and didnt want to walk all the way back
to schwarz hause with bones through my feet, only to have to chase you down.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:34:14 AM): yep, couldn't catch me anyway. remember when you first joined schwarz and we lived in that small apartment and because of that we couldn't take you out to exercise, so we'd put you on a leash tied to the roof and have you chase me around until you fell asleep? ah...memories.

VermillionAmour (12:34:58 AM): bitch. im not a dog, despite the collar.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:35:51 AM): it was a while ago, farfie. i know...i know...you're the freaky in control one. i watched you when you had to do that hooker mission. sketchy, farfie, sketchy.

VermillionAmour (12:36:30 AM): ...i xond tememger that...

VermillionAmour (12:37:03 AM): yse foe imorted whixy -^_^-

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:37:25 AM): i see something about whiskey...

VermillionAmour (12:37:37 AM): ...i dont remember that...*

VermillionAmour (12:37:51 AM): yay forr implrted whiskeey**

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:38:05 AM): ahh, yes. very much so.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:38:29 AM): schwarz demands the drunk. after all, drunk assassins are evil assassins.

VermillionAmour (12:39:10 AM): yerd

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:39:23 AM): farfie

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:39:30 AM): ...you've been drinking more, ne?

VermillionAmour (12:39:52 AM): i said i found importedd whiskey

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:39:58 AM): ...aha.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:40:04 AM): that explains everything.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:40:19 AM): the slaughter, the spelling. i have found the meaning of life. whiskey.

SchuSchwarzKreuz (12:40:22 AM): imported, at that.

VermillionAmour (12:40:41 AM): from thee motheerlansd


Me: SchuSchwarzKreuz & IneffableLies...

I make no apologies. ^_^

<3 Schu-chan
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