Welcome to earth, Wanderer.

Jul 04, 2008 00:35

Name/Nickname: J.j.
Age: 19
Gender: Lady Pilot
Stamped as: Melanie

^This Face I Would Have Known Among Millions^
Mention at least 3 physical turn ons and turn offs: On: Messy hair. That way they can't make fun of how messy mine is XD Jim Halpert has spoiled me with awesome facial expressions. And...um, a cute smile? Not a big flashy one, but a quiet playful one. (Well, you can't really hear a smile, but it SEEMS quiet in my head.)
Off: Unnaturally muscular. Longer hair on guys. I like it messy, but not long. Does bad style count as physical? Cluelessness is one thing (adorable sometimes), but some people look really d-baggy. Deliberately. And I know too many people in real life who are guilty of it.

Mention at least 3 Personality turn ons and turn offs: On: I oddly find cynicism adorable. Likable confidence (almost smug, even). Mischievous- not to be confused with bad. I usually love the good guys who are just a bit badass.
Off: Being condescending. (Or at least give me a cookie before you treat me like a toddler.) Snobbishness. And, um, lack of appreciation for my bad humor. :P

What are your strengths in a relationship? I'm not easily offended by jokes or little mistakes. I don't blow stuff out of proportion like that. (Flat out insults...WAAAY different. I don't think I get that a lot from people I actually like, but it has happened. So I'd like to think I could tell the difference between that and a joke.)

What are your weaknesses in a relationship? I'm kind of a loner. I don't mind being around people. I even enjoy it. But I don't go out of my way to, like, hang out with people.

^The Humans Never Did Figure Love Out^
What is your opinion of marriage? Not...a priority? If I really thought I wanted to spend the rest of my life with someone, I'd go for it. But I wouldn't be the one to, like, push the issue or anything.

Is sex more important than love? Why or why not? Ha, no. Important, maybe. But not really MORE important. I hope not. I mean, would you really trade the love for sex?

Do you think beauty should affect love? Should? Maybe not. Definitely not completely. I think there SHOULD be attraction. Sometimes, love affects what you find beautiful. Something seems prettier because you get more used to it, or like it more. Or you get to know someone, and they physically make you sick afterwards. I don't know what that had to do with the question.

What is your idea of a perfect date? BAH, I don't know. I never make decisions. I usually have more fun sitting/driving around until someone else has an idea. (If they sing along with me, I'm THEIRS XD) And I'd probably be okay with and enjoy what they want to do. Unless it's like...hunting or something.

Is it important to have things in common with the person you're in love with? I always say a guy has to have decent taste in music! Seriously, though. You have to meet each other somewhere on some issues (like maybe kids, lifestyle). With interests, I think it's important to have a good mix. Some in common, others separate. You can only learn from each other if you have your differences. (I like the way Jenny Lewis says it: "When you're kissing someone who's too much like you/ It's like kissing on a mirror/ When you're sleeping with someone who doesn't get you/ You're gonna hate yourself in the morning")

^You. Are. Not. Leaving. Me.^
Who's your favorite couple in the book and why? I can't choose just one. I love the way Ian/Wanda evolved. Of course..."We first met when he tried to murder me" doesn't sound much like a sweet story. (It has the potential to be HIGHLY entertaining...though, it really wasn't Ian/Wanda's case.) They both had misconceptions about each other, and they eventually got to know and love each other. My other favorite is Wes/Lily. Because I'm boring like that and love them even more every time. Really though, the soccer scene was enough to convince me. Plus, I already thought Wes was adorable when Wanda always noticed him sitting near Lily.

Who's your least favorite couple and why? Of course there's the Doc/Sharon WTF factor. We'd never really get to see why they work as a couple because she's always so rigid around Wanda and would never SHOW that softer side around her. But to be honest, I didn't care for Wanda/Jared...if it counts. For me, it pales in comparison to the way Wanda built her own relationship with Jamie (a very different type of relationship, but still) and with Ian. I didn't feel it between them. Plus, I love Mel/Jared, so Wanda's feelings for Jared just seem...intrusive or something.

If your loved one was taken as a Host and your only way of being with him/her is by serving as a Host, would you take that choice or remain human? Why or Why not? Since I'm not currently, nor have I ever been, in the situation, I'm going to say no. Of course, we won't really know what I'd choose until the situation presents itself! I'd much rather try to find a way to bring them back. (Which I wouldn't want to do forever, either.) But if separating the soul and body isn't an option...I'd still wouldn't willingly give up my mind/body/self. Especially if the soul were to cut my hair or dress badly or something just to annoy me.

Imagine yourself as Wanda, if you were to experience her conflict of emotions between Ian and Jared, how would you explain them and try to sort them out? Even if Jared did reciprocate Wanda's feelings (which I don't feel he did)...I still think she was mostly reacting to Melanie's memories and with Melanie's body, rather than building her own relationship with him. Though, I do think they formed some kind of bond in the end. In a way. Just not in THAT way. With Ian, she got to know him on her own. And he got to know her before he even BELIEVED that Melanie was in there. That's how it was with the most of her friends in the cave. Melanie didn't know them. They were really Wanda's friends, and not from Mel's memories. It makes Wanda's friendships and relationship with Ian seem more real to me.

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