For now, here's only an index (from November 2011) of threads. Please post a comment if you have some of this saved, or you have a particular request for something to be found.
Title: The HP Series - Index of Threads
Post by: Monkshood on January 25, 2008, 08:36:00 PM
The Seven Story Tower
General Discussion of the Characters
Character Deaths
Character who got the reprieve
Name Meanings
Too Many Characters?
Characters - General
Kreacher and Dobby
Luna Lovegood
Ravenclaw, Helena
Black Family
Bellatrix and Hermione
Black Family
Canon Sirius - The Godfather Poll
RAB Moved to the Hallows
Dumbledore, Albus
Discussing Dumbledore
Now we know what Dumbledore likely saw in the Mirror of Erised
What do you "really" think of Dumbledore?
More to Petunia than meets the eye?
Lupin, Remus
Lupin - Canon Poll
Lupin and the Werewolves
The Marauders
Deconstructing the Marauders
Sirius and Lupin
The Potters
Albus Severus: Which House?
Harry? evil?
Harry and Ginny: Post-HBP Questions
James - Canon Poll
James and Lily Potter
James Potter - The Debate Goes On and On
Lily Evans Potter - The Woman and the Myth
Lily's Eyes
Potters' Professions
The Trio: Harry, Hermione and Ron
Analyzing the Trio
Hermione's Corrective Vision
Hermione jealous?
Voldemort and The Death Eaters
The Death Eaters
Lockhart and Voldemort - Parallel Egos
Voldemort - Little Boy Under the Seats Sobbing
Voldemort: Success or Failure as a Literary Villain?
The Most Powerful Weasley Child
Percy Weasley: Hidden Clues and Character Analysis
Severus Snape
A Field Guide to Snape
Cupboard Man
Debate Thread: Severus Snape
Development of Snape's Character
Did Snape Care for Harry?
Does Snape remind you of your father? Snape Poll
Flitwick & Snape
The Heroic Half-Blood Prince
James and Snape's Spells
Machiavelli HalfBlood Prince
Mr. Weasley and Prof. Snape snake attacks
MTV Harry Potter World Cup
Need to feel the Snape love
Only for Lily?
Parallels with the Potions Book and Snape
Shrieking Shack
Snape as an Anagram
Snape, Harry and the story of House elves
Snape and the Little Prince
Snape's Appearance ~ What Does He Look Like?
Snape's Loyalty: When did you form an opinion?
Snape's Mercy Killing and the Order Members
Snape: A Negative View
Snape and Pettigrew
Snape and Werewolves
Snape ~ Spock Discussion
Something about Snape in HBP
Symbolism of Snape's Death
That Awful Boy
Why did Snape follow the Marauders?
Why did Snape go to 12 Grimmauld Place?
Scribbling in the Margins
Evaluating the HP Series
If I were the Editor ...
Read-A-Thon: SS/PS
Read-A-Thon: CoS
What made the HP & the Order of the Phoenix book so compelling to you?
Epilogue and Post-DH Topics
Post-DH Careers
The Harry Filter
Evolution of the Harry Filter
Harry Filter Poll
Harry Filter Poll Part 2: How Dense Is It?
Snape & Harry interactions; what do you think actually happened?
Key Events and Scenes in the Series
About the power he knows not...?
Chamber of Secrets
Chapter Titles: Hidden Meanings and Mirrors
Chess in HP
Fandom: Nods to Fandom in DH?
Final Battle
How did Lucius know Sirius Black's Animagus form?
Last defense against the dark arts teacher
Potions and Secrets
Quibbler: Clues for the Reader?
Quotes - Favorites from the HP Series
Songs of Celestina Warbeck
The Three Brothers' Fairytale
Triwizard Riddles
Veil and Tower Scenes
Voldemort and the Department of Mysteries
Voldemort Died Because . . .
Voldemort's Rebirth and Lily's Sacrifice
What is the Significance of Hagrid's reaction?
What was going on in PS/SS?
You dare to say the Dark Lord's name?
Odds and Ends
Little stuff, not important enough for their own thread
The Little Things in HP
Mistakes or completely unanswered problems
The Magical World
House System
Four Houses
House Traits
House Unity and Sorting
Slytherins: So where's the Slytherin love?
Magical Creatures and Animal Symbolism
Dragons and What They Might Symbolize
Gibbons and Monkeys
Goat Notes
House Elves
Magical Animals
Sirius and Crookshanks
Magical Objects
Crystal Bottle
Invisibility Cloak
Pensieve Paradox
The Pensieve's Portents
Potion in the Cave
Proximity to a Horcrux
Snitch in DH
Sorting Hat
Veil Theories
Magical Theory
Blood Purity and Magical Strength
The Curse of the DADA: How does it work?
Dark Magic: An Analysis
The Fidelius Charm
Ghosts in the HP Books
HP Se7en
Layers of Magic: How Harry Vanquished the Dark Lord
The Life Debt Enigma
Life Debt Poll: Snape and James
Matters of the Mind in HP: Occlumency, Legilmency and more
Number 7
The Prophecy
Question about Spells
Question about Voldemort and Twelve Grimmauld Place
Squibs. What are they really?
Time Travel in the Potterverse
Wrinkle in Time
Common Rooms
Eastern and Central Europe in the Harry Potter Books
Forbidden Forest
Godric's Hollow
Hogwarts as Interior Castle
Number Twelve Grimmauld Place
Pubs & Rebellion: HogsHead and Hellfire Club?
Spider Hollow and the Chamber of Secrets - Passage Grave
Symbolic Objects, Phrases and Themes
Magical Knots
Rabbit Thread
Slugs and Symbolism
Symbolism and Themes
Symbolism question