I'm a big fan of the Merc-with-a-Mouth, and he is such a funny character, so it should really come as no surprise that I felt compelled to make a metric ton of Deadpool icons recently.
Oh, it's no problem - I've made the incorrect gender assumption before, too. :)
Yeah, that seems to be the consensus of those on my journal who follow 'Pool, as well as my own opinion. Basically, if Way writes 'Pool like he's writing him in Origins, I won't be particularly happy. But if Way writes him like he says he's going to in recent interviews, things look much better. I'm hoping it's the constraints of Wolverine's story that are holding Way back on 'Pool a bit in the current arc.
Comments 51
You just made my day :] #46 always make me smile
(I may have to do some text-only icons at some point, too, because damn is it hard to fit some of his lines in these tiny spaces.)
Yes 'pool is the best! My totally fav fictional character!
I'm a little stech on Way writing DP right now, but I'm still hoping for the best.
Yeah, that seems to be the consensus of those on my journal who follow 'Pool, as well as my own opinion. Basically, if Way writes 'Pool like he's writing him in Origins, I won't be particularly happy. But if Way writes him like he says he's going to in recent interviews, things look much better. I'm hoping it's the constraints of Wolverine's story that are holding Way back on 'Pool a bit in the current arc.
(Gah, edited for typo, sorry.)
Why can't LJ give more than 100 icons.
Snagging a few, shall credit!
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