So you want to dive head-first into your very own adventure. This is the place to start! Sign up here and we'll give you all the info you'll need. Please leave a comment below answering the following questions:
* If in your "about me" blurb there are many images (2+) or you want specific coding,
please include everything in a textarea box (TEXT/IMGS)
* If you post in a multimaker community, please link to your specific tag.
Link to your name/username tag!">like these. 350pxx150px is the ideal size. Anything over 350px width will be downsized.
Where do you post your graphics? community/tumblr/twitter/etc
Would you like to be part of a Guild?What are you interested in, fandom-wise?Please write a little blurb about yourself, leave a banner/signature, gifs, examples of your work, or anything that you may want to put on your profile page (not obligatory, can be edited later through a simple comment on your profile; please use the textarea as well if you have more than one image):