Chapter Three ~ Sidequest

Sep 10, 2012 22:25

Sometimes change comes and you don't even notice. Sometimes change comes harshly, tearing past and future apart. Your icons must show a clear divide or separation. It can be horizontal, vertical, shaped, however you manage to do them, but there must be at least two distinct and noticeable areas in your icon.


» MIN: 5 icons → 10 pts
» MAX: 10 icons → 20 pts

» REQUISITES: Having 40 points (total)
» This challenge DOES NOT close.
» Your submission DOES NOT need to be of Wizard icons.
» You can complete this challenge up to 5 times for points.
» Reply to this post with your results or linking to a post containing them.
» Fill out the form to allot your points properly. (Ex1, Ex2)
Please fill out entirely.
Classes fulfilled?: (list # of icons)
[#] Hero (Power)
[#] Wizard (Magic)
[#] Bard (Charm)
[#] Rogue (Agility)
Total points earned? (list points distribution)
** Example: 4pts Power + 2pts Wizard + 4pts Bard + 5pts Bonus = 15 pts (delete this!)**

ICONS: (delete areas regarding classes you didn't fill)




Link (To a post with the icons, if you have one. If you only link to the post, note that classes to which the icons belong must be clear. Above form must still be filled out.)

* It is a fantasy themed quest, but you are not restricted to only fantasy themed shows, movies, etc.

sidequest, chapter: three, ~challenge, first chronicle

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