Fanfiction Request Post (:

May 24, 2020 14:36

I stole the format of the form from th_geek

This is Saaya's JUMP Fanfiction Request Post. (:
I can't guarantee that they will be finished quickly but I assure you, no matter how long it takes, I will finish it. (:

All requests are to be made on this post as a comment. All other forms will not be entertained unless I'm interested. Hai?
But before you make a request, I hope you'll follow these few rules.

1. Follow this format of request:

Title: (insert any title of your choice here) 
          LJ Username: (to make it more convenient for me if I need to ask you anything, ne?) 
          Genre: (insert wanted genre here) 
          Rating: (any rating will do)
          Pairing: (choices: refer below) 
          Story type: (choices: oneshot, drabble) 
          Story's Skeleton: (insert background of the story) 
          Special Requests: (Anything else extra that you want me to put it? I don't bite. I nibble)

2. At the moment, I'm only taking requests for oneshots and drabbles. But it may change at anytime, so, look out. (:

3. I only do OC, YamaShii pairings and girl! Chinen or girl! Inoo pairings or any other girl! pairing. I absolutely will not do any Takaki pairings unless OC. I can't imagine Takaki. I'm no good with slash fics. Gomen, ne?

4. I'm not really a quick writer since I love elaboration but I promise that I'll try to get it done as soon as possible. (;

5. AND REMEMBER! I'm only human and I'm not perfect. So, please comment on the fic, so I can improve. :D There might also be times where not all of your criteria will be fulfilled. But Saaya will try her best, ne!

Lastly, thank you for your support. I'm really just an amateur writer. I accept all forms of criticism if it will help me improve. (:

fanfic: jump fanfiction request post

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