Congrats to your sister! I hope her labor goes as smoothly as possible.
As for the Memphis Library thing, they won't even let other Shelby County citizens have a library card without that charge. It's a way for the city to make money, which they need but should be making in other ways.
Good luck, though. I think you can work with the Rhodes library to do interlibrary loans, right? Would that help?
Oh, it SO did notXD Mild jinxing may have occurred, but thanks for the well-wishing^_^
Also-- that SUCKS for Shelby county o.0 Though I do feel better, knowing that the Memphisians don't have to pay it, because really? It defeats the purpose of a 'library.' And I agree with the concept of having dues for the use of the products--I was expecting to have to pay SOMEthing--but it was the amount that I have issues with.
(Sadly, Rhodes doesn't do interlibrary with the Memphis libraries, because it's too much of a hassle for a building down the street. But thanks for explaining the -why-...)
Yeah; I went back the next day with my Rhodes ID and Rhodes mail, and after a bit of warmongering, they accepted it. I pressed it with them mostly because I did NOT remember you forking over 50$...
Comments 13
As for the Memphis Library thing, they won't even let other Shelby County citizens have a library card without that charge. It's a way for the city to make money, which they need but should be making in other ways.
Good luck, though. I think you can work with the Rhodes library to do interlibrary loans, right? Would that help?
Also-- that SUCKS for Shelby county o.0 Though I do feel better, knowing that the Memphisians don't have to pay it, because really? It defeats the purpose of a 'library.'
And I agree with the concept of having dues for the use of the products--I was expecting to have to pay SOMEthing--but it was the amount that I have issues with.
(Sadly, Rhodes doesn't do interlibrary with the Memphis libraries, because it's too much of a hassle for a building down the street. But thanks for explaining the -why-...)
I was momentarily VERY tempted to just buy a notebook and copy each and every page by hand.
(*I don't think I'd actually do it. BUT DON'T TEMPT ME).
Guess I was wrong, as well as in severe debt D:
-chews- i miss yooooooooooooooou
-wants to meet your boy-
-has a cookie-
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