muskrit's plan for zombie attack survival

Aug 03, 2010 15:14

I'm about to do something stupid.

I don't know what it is yet; I can just feel it's coming.

This is going to seem like a digression but I promise to bring it full circle. Even though I said I wasn't going to watch Highschool of the Dead, I can't seem to stop. Zombies push my horror buttons more than anything else. They instill in me a genuine ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

berreh August 3 2010, 23:04:31 UTC
I completely understand the zombie fear - the subject deeply disturbs me for all the reasons you named and more. You'll be the smart sassy girl who makes it out at the end of the movie, I know it. :p Follow your heart!


thejennabides August 5 2010, 23:18:11 UTC
I suddenly feel like I may need to brush up on my horror movie conventions in order to navigate RL... ;p


stell266 August 14 2010, 21:53:33 UTC
When you said you were contemplating something stupid, I started to think about Antarctica.
But I think what you have posted is very interesting and not stupid at all.


thejennabides August 16 2010, 00:40:57 UTC
Actually, I looked at Antarctica the other day--it's super competitive, apparently, even for the most menial positions. China, on the other hand, is on a mission to become bilingual in the next decade, so there's high demand. And offers more travel and cultural experiences. So yeah, I'm thinking about it quite seriously!

I may not be able to do the elephant orphanage because of the stupid injury to my foot. Maybe I can find someone to fix me up in China and just reverse the order of things...


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