in between the lines there's a lot of obscurity/i'm not inclined to resign to maturity

Sep 10, 2010 12:51

Item 1: I am wearing my shirt inside-out ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

echoinautumn September 10 2010, 19:58:59 UTC
Item 4: Now I am going to the cupcake store.

Take me with you .____.


bunniewabbit September 10 2010, 20:25:33 UTC
Item 3: No one has accepted any of the birthday celebration invitations I sent out.
Item 3.1: I feel like a loser.
Item 3.2: It's also true that no one has declined.
Item 3.3: ...I think I may have done it wrong.

People don't bother to RSVP these days, which means you can never tell if anyone is going to show up, or not. It's not your fault; people are just inconsiderate louts.

PS -- Happy belated birthday, Muskrit! I hope someone shows up to share your cupcakes!


koncupiscence September 10 2010, 20:41:41 UTC
cupcakes are always an excellent life decision! happy happy belated, muskrit. *bouquet of orange balloons*


windsorblue September 11 2010, 01:25:02 UTC
Happy belated birthday! We shall have cupcakes in Vegas someday soon, ohyes. <3


windsorblue September 11 2010, 01:25:30 UTC
Also, title win.


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