10 F A V O R I T E S
Flower: petunias! and often orchids, and pansies… and sometimes roses
Alcohol: wine-in-a-box! … or white russians
Movie: what, just one? At the moment, probably Never Been Kissed, it changes hourly
color: magenta
Sport: *blinks*
Mall: the Galleria, I guess (uptown H-town)
Music: I don’t even know how to start that one
Food: the souls of the innocent
Hometown: Tulsa, OK
Height: 5' 8.75”
Hair color: …green, for the most part
Hair length: long and shiny
Eye color: sometimes green, sometimes hazel-y
Shoe size: 9
Mood: currently: optimistic J
Sexuality: hetero
10 L O V E L I F E
Have you ever been in love: yes
Do you believe in love?: uh, obviously?
Why did your last relationship fail: immaturity rendered him incapable of a serious relationship
Have you ever been heartbroken? yes
Have you ever broken someones heart?: I guess so
Have you ever fallen for a friend?: yes
Are you planning on getting married? Not in the foreseeable future
10 T H I S O R T H A T S
Love or lust? love
Hard liquor or beer? Beer is vile
Night or day? night
Friend w/ benefits or relationship? Your mother
T.V. or internet? Eh, neither if I can help it
Pepsi or coke? coke
Wild night out or romantic night in? in
Colored Or Black &White? Color
Phone or in person? person
10 H A V E Y O U E V E R S
Have you ever been caught sneaking out? No, because I didn’t sneak out
Have you ever skinny dipped? no
Have you ever done something you regret? What difference does it make now?
Have you ever bungee jumped? Heck no
Have you ever been on a house boat? Yep
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker? Probably…
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt? yeah
Have you ever stayed up all night til the sun came up? Many a time
Have you ever been caught by your parents with a hickey? “caught”? I’m sure my mom saw them…
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing anything more than making out? Ew, no
10 A R E Y O U S
Are you missing someone right now? My mommy
Are you happy? sometimes
Are you talking to anyone right now? Brooke and Nick
Are you bored? no
Are you German? somewhat
Are you Irish?: maybe a little?
Are you Italian?: no
Are you crushing on some one right now?: crushing on? That sounds kinky, I don’t think I’m into that.
9 L A S T S
1. cigarette: when I was 15
2. beverage: water
3. kiss: last May? Or was it April? pathetic.
4. hug: Kat!
5. movie seen: Saved!
6. cd played: Okgo
7. song listened to: David Bowie - Fame
8. bubble bath: Christmas break, I think - I don’t trust the tubs here
9. time you cried: earlier tonight (my mommy is sad, and I’m not there)
8 M O R E H A V E Y O U E V E R S
1. Eaten sushi: yes
2. read a book during the summer: uh, yeah - Worst. Question. Ever.
3. kissed somebody and regretted it: again, what the hell difference does it make now? (and, yes)
4. fallen in love: this quiz has obviously gone on long enough…
5. lost someone you loved: yes
6. been depressed: that’s what the drugs are for
7. been drunk and threw up: yes and no
8. ran away: no
7 S T A T E S Y O U ' V E B E E N T O
1. California
2. Kansas
3. Colorado
4. New York
5. Arkansas
6. Arizona
7. Minnesota - 7 is a stupid number for this
6 T H I N G S Y O U ' V E D O N E T O D A Y
1. Took a shower
2. Talked to my mommy
3. Went to Pizza the Hutt with Mr. Lund
4. Drank with Mr. Lund
5. Filled out the longest quiz EVER
6. Went to a jazz concert
5 F A V O R I T E P E O P L E
1. Mommy
2. Cindy Lou Who
3. Corey
4. Zach and Ashley (you guys get to share my affection)
5. Yasmin and Goldman (the spaces provided were insufficient)
4 P E O P L E Y O U L A S T T A L K E D T O
1. Jennifer
2. Mommy
3. Brookie
4. John Lund
3 W I S H E S
1. For my family and friends to be truly happy.
2. To get a decent job when I graduate.
3. Love.
2 T H I N G S Y O U W A N T T O B E W H E N Y O U G R O W U P
1. Paid to paint
2. Rock Star
1 T H I N G Y O U R E G R E T
1. I’m not mean enough to say it.
1. do you like anyone? Yeah… dammit.
2. do they know it? They might.
3. simple or complicated? Fairly simple, actually.
I N T H E L A S T M O N T H H A V E Y O U:
5. Bought something: lots of things
6. Gotten sick? Not that I remember
7. Been hugged? Occasionally, mostly by Ashley J
8. Felt dumb?: more than once, I’m sure
9. Talked to an ex: does Michael Ray count? I mean, yeah :P
10. Missed someone? yes
11. Failed a test: no.
12. Ate cereal: Kashi Go Lean Crunch!
13. Danced crazy? Only when Brookie isn’t home
14. got your hair cut? I cut it myself two days ago…
U N I Q U E:
16. Nervous habits?: playing with the arrow buttons on my keyboard
17. Are you double jointed: in one finger
18. Can you roll your tongue: no, Gosh!
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: the right one
20. Can you cross your eyes?: I didn’t know that was an accomplishment
21. Do you make your bed daily? When I wake up on time--so not usually
22. Do you think you are unique?: I am a unique snowflake
23. Given money to a homeless person? yep
24. Said "I Love you"?: I tell my mommy I love her daily
25. Cheated on a test?: probably in high school… or middle school, maybe
26. Waited all night for a phone call?: I don’t wait for phone calls on principle
27. Fell for someone you knew you shouldn’t? I didn’t know I shouldn’t have at the time.
28. Sat and looked at the stars? Yes, they’re *SPARKLY*!
M A N N E R S:
29. Do you swear?: like a sailor
30. Do you ever spit? Not usually
31. You cook your own food? No at college
32. You do your own chores?: who the hell else is gonna do them?
33. You like beef jerky?: don’t eat beef
34. You like pepsi or coke? Seriously, that’s like the fourth or fifth repeat question…
35. You're happy with your hair?: it could currently be a brighter shade of green, but in general, yes
36. You own a dog?: no, but unfortunately my parents do
37. You spend your money wisely?: not really, no, but I’m working on it
38. Do you like to swim?: yes
39. When you get bored do you call a friend? Sometimes, assuming there is someone to call… usually I call my mommy J
40. Are you patient? sometimes
41. flowers or angels: flowers
42. gray or black?: black
43. Color or black and white photos?: color, everything in color
45. sunrise or sunset?: sunrise
46. M&Ms or Skittles?: reese’s pieces
47. rap or rock?: rock ‘n’ roll, baby
48. staying up late or waking up early? Both!
49. being hot or cold? could
50. Winter or Fall?: winter
52. having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends? Best friends
53. sunshine or rains: depends on my mood
54. vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? Rocky road!
55. popcorn?: yes
56. having someone to cuddle with?: yes
57. knowing people like you?: who doesn’t want to be liked? We’re all looking for validation and acceptance.
58. swimming in green pools?: umm… that’s pretty creepy
59. to do crazy shit?: Project Hasselhoff
60. When was the last time you were happy? Ten minutes ago
61. What is your most memorable moment? There are lots
62. What’s your favorite song? Church on Sunday by Greenday