So I've been feeling pretty ill the past few days. Sunday, I don't know how I managed to stay at work until 5, it was probably me saying "You're the only one here, you're the only one here... they need you." Well, yesterday was a different story. After 4 people, including the two managers/directors in the office next to mine, came by and said "You need to go home.", later finding out that it was my powerful cough that they heard through the walls that made them come check on me. I sat there, dazed, blankly staring at my computer screen when the call center director stops by to say hi, then asks "Are you sick?" and I nod slowly. 30 seconds walk by and he said "You need to go home and rest. I just called ((insert boss' name here)) and he said go home. So I gather my stuff and head over to the Urgent Care center since I don't have a physician. I sick there, the only one in the waiting area, and eventually they come get me for some vital sign tests. My heart rate = low, blood pressure = high normal, breathing = low. She said "Well, even though it's saying you shouldn't be here, I guess you're fine because you're alive still. It's probaby just due to the congestion." What.... the... hell... so again I'm shoved into another little cubicle where I await the doctor. He comes in, looks in my ears, looks in my throat and then listens to my breathing. "Upper respiratory infection - viral, I won't prescribe anti-biotics because they probably won't work. Also, lots of wheezing, so your lungs must be pretty inflammed. I'll prescribe some things. You can buy here or elsewhere. Whichever. A nurse will be here with the prescription and discharge info." What? Are you serious? I could've told him everything he just told me. If it doesn't improve in 4-5 days, I have to go back. My lungs burn like penii in the red light district of Amsterdam. I cough so violently in my sleep that I wake up thinking it's the rapture and Satan himself is telling me I'm being left behind. I've seen like 5 hours of daylight in the past 48 hours, and all 5 of those have been through the blinds of my office at work. The rest of the time - I sleep. I take my medicines every 4 hours, sleep, more medicine, then oh, wait for it... wait for it... more sleep. Yeah, this is the life. Have some nasty viral infection in my lungs, not have an appetite for 4 days, and all the glorious sleep I can soak up. Take away the pain and I'm in Heaven :)
Just wanted to give a quick update as I miss work due to the plague that rests beneath my ribcage and up.... I should be a novelist! Maybe that's what I'll do.. write a book. Now only if I had a topic.....