i totally do actually like memes, but that answer reminded me of a girl who came into tim horton's and had the following conversation with craig:
what kind of soups do you have?
chicken noodle, blah blah blah, minestrone.
what's minestrone?
it's italian, it's really good. i love italian food.
italians killed my father.
no you're not.
uh..i'll get your soup.
EDIT: i totally wrote 'pluggin' by accident and now i look like i think i was cool for excluding the 'g'. ahhaha.
okay that was fun.
i closed at work today. i worked with tiffany. it wasn't all that horrible.
every time i go into work i think, awesome, i'm gonna have so much free coffee/cookies/nanaimo bars/muffins/etc.
but by the time i've had like one timbit and one coffee, i feel like throwing up.
gughagkl. but then i think maybe that's because i'm forced to make my double double with cream or milk and not soyness, and i don't ever have those, so they make me feel not so nice inside.
you know how jay leno has that guy who plays the guitar or keyboard or something and he usually talks to jay leno a bit at the beginning of the show? well it really bugs me how when jay leno does headlines you can hear the collective laughter of the audience and the louder laughter of jay leno but you can also hear that guy's stupid huuh huuh huuh laugh because he has a microphone.
anj says:hate these yeast infection commericials
ariana says:and the herpes ones
anj says:yes!
ariana says:they're all like, 'i don't let my herpes bother me.'
anj says:but you know THATS a lie
ariana says:oh it so is. especially because herpes doesn't go away.
anj says:hey look we should eat bananananas
ariana says:and they tell you scary facts like, '20% of canadian women have genital herpes' and then the next time you're around 99 other women you try to figure out which 5 are the ones who have herpes.
anj says:If you take the contraceptive pill or are a smoker, you need extra vitamin B1.
anj says:hahahhahahahhahahhahahah
anj says:99 women
anj says:i've never been with just 99 women
ariana says:are you sure about that
ariana says:i mean at least 99 women, it could be more
anj says:hahaha
ariana says:so you need to eat double time bananas
anj says:well... when would.. i have been?
anj says:i guess anytime
ariana says:IN SCHOOL
ariana says:that's totally more than 100 women.
anj says:yeah but im sure they dont mean teens
anj says:maybe they do
anj says:sick
ariana says:who cares. it's just a good display of how many people have herpes.