The black ink I ordered arrived today so of course I immediately made use of my printer. It worked surprisingly well for having not been used in quite a few months, but whatever. That my printer is a finicky bitch is not news to me.
The other day on Twitter I posted a picture of the games currently at my house
all set up nicely in my room (finally). Unfortunately, there were two blank cases in there and two deceiving cases... One of the blanks had a copy of the Xbox Live Beta Halo: Reach disc and the other had Resistance: Fall of Man (because its actual case is packed up with the rest of my shit, sadly). Then, the Mass Effect case had Dead Space in it (Mass Effect is safe at Emry's house, never fear!) and Viva Piñata had a copy of Halo 3 in it (for some strange fucking reason -- but again, Viva Piñata is safe at Emry's house). Obviously the blank cases and the two deceiving ones were bugging the shit out of me, so I did something about it. (And Dead Space and Halo 3 both needed new cases anyway, so this was a good excuse.)
I went and got some HQ copies of the case covers from, plus one custom cover from
VGBoxArt, and fixed the travesty.
Halo: Reach
Dead Space
Resistance: Fall of Man
It looks silly but I'm much happier now that it has a label.
Halo 3
Madden '08's case and an old PS2 case were sacrificed used for the greater good for Dead Space and Halo 3.
Updated collection pic:
Moon got the boot to make room for Halo 3. Sorry, Moon.
Maybe someday I'll get some bookends and be able to put the rest of my DVDs out too...