Receiving a beautiful bouquet of multicolored roses at dinner. And when i asked what they were for, he answered "Because my little girl is so very special."
LOL That reminds me of an outting Dunkin' had at the park one day. A little girl, about 3 years old, and her dad were walking around. She sees Dunkin' and comes running wanting to pet him. She has a huge flower she had picked up somewhere in the park. Dunkin' sits very nicely and lets her pet him and is doing so well. Then he politely turns his head and casually chomps the flower. The little girl is not happy to lose her flower and starts to cry. Abi opens Dunkin's mouth, removes the flower, which is still intact just sitting in there. He hands the flower back to the little girl. She stops crying and everyone continues their walk in the park. LOL Ya just never know what a 10 month old yellow lab is gonna do OR a puglet! HUGS!
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~ pug
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