
Sep 14, 2005 22:26

no matter what i do, i never get it right. no matter what i say, something goes wrong. no matter what happens, i still feel like it's my fault. i still feel like i'm the one to blame. like it was me who caused all of this. i can never make it better. no matter how hard i try, it's never enough. i was never good enough for the last person. and i won ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

love_bittersin2 September 15 2005, 11:21:28 UTC
no i want to buy you on a stick.


thekizz September 15 2005, 12:23:54 UTC
and i am ready on a stick for take away.


anonymous September 18 2005, 10:31:18 UTC
have a fucking cry.. you loreto girls are all the same


thekizz September 18 2005, 10:44:51 UTC
don't tell me what to fucking do. you think you know all the shit that happens in everyones lives. NEWS FLASH you fucking don't. maybe you should get a life of your own, then you don't have to read about ours, and waste your precious time commenting. get something better to do. OH WAIT YOU CAN'T.


anonymous September 20 2005, 08:48:47 UTC
lol..that was awesome


boombones September 18 2005, 11:19:09 UTC
yeah. we are...hmmm i wish i was more like...hmm. let me think.
i wish i was like you, with a big nose and a small dick. i wish i was like you with a queer voice and bad breathe. i wish i was like you with cheap lines and broken hearts. i wish i was you, wrapped in a tie and blazer...oh, just so you know..ive heard your a realli bad kisser.i wish i was like you, pathetic motives and nothing to do. i wish i was like you, lanky and disgusting. i wish i was like you, rude and bored with life. i wish i was like you, clammy hands and really bad style. i wish i was like you, and had nothing better than to pick on girls who obviously dont deserve any shit. i wish i was like you, a player with an ugly face and a mean heart.
but i guess i just wish i was like you.


anonymous September 20 2005, 11:57:31 UTC
is that bout luke boombones?


anonymous September 20 2005, 12:03:03 UTC
get fucked boombones u say ppl are pickin on these girls that dont deserve shit, gaby aint exactly sum little fucking angel, she dumped sam after a day and cheated on luke and made up shit bout mikael, yeh she doesnt deserve any shit*cough*, get your fucking facts striaght before yu go all bold and make these pathetic comments to b applauded by your insecure and vane little frends. plus she also told will cooke she cut her self all over her arm and that they were deep cuts, and then they turned out to be three little grazes,


anonymous September 20 2005, 12:28:43 UTC
who the fuck ever said that gaby was the one who didn't deserve shit. remember that you're the bastard that just generalised all loreto girls to be the same. you're the one who needs their "facts straight" if you're so narrow minded to believe that this refers to gaby. simply because boombones has more creative intelligence than you to at least come up with an interesting retort. and wtf? if someone applauds someone for having an intelligent comeback, that makes them insecure..vain..or little? riiight.


_am_ir_a_ September 21 2005, 04:16:16 UTC
*grazes.< full stop

You illiterate bastard. Stay in school.


anonymous September 21 2005, 04:24:40 UTC
you fukn tell me that you have a life?? ovbiously not if all you do is fukn comment on live journals all day. get a fukn real life. dont act like your all that and are full cool by all your name calling and what not..your not and never will be. you are but the small insignificant poeple in this world that are crying out to get some attention..which you wont get


thekizz September 20 2005, 12:34:46 UTC
wowee... a dispute of some kind...


thekizz September 20 2005, 12:45:47 UTC
haha u stupid fuck, i dont understand y ur hiding bhind 'anonymous', ur too scared to show ur identity faggot? i dont give a fuck hu u r, or wot u think about ne of what kim or her freinds have said, but if u say ANYTHING rude to my freinds, ill fucking kill u. grow some balls and act ur fucking age. u got a problem wit ne of this, my names andruw gillin, address is 18 grassmere road, com round bitch.


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