"Friendly Banter"

Apr 19, 2009 23:27

Title: "Friendly Banter"
Rating: G
Genre: Humor
About: Takki and Tsubasa in a dressing room before a TV appearance. ^_^

(One of the many drabbles)

‘Friendly’ Banter

“You know, I don’t dress that bad, as you say on those interviews all the time.” Hideaki said in his dressing room, looking at himself through the mirror, every once in a while messing with his strawberry blond bangs. His partner and best friend Tsubasa came to visit twenty minutes before the show started. They were appearing on “Hey Hey Hey”.

“I’m only teasing, well sort of.” Tsubasa grinned. “You know your strange taste in clothes is what led me to decide to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Oh? Why is that?”

Tsubasa leaned forward. “I thought to myself who will dress this handsome man and steer him away from being a fashion victim, other than me? So it was final. You need me.”

Hideaki turned around amused at Tsubasa’s theory. “Then if I need you, then you need me.”

“Care to explain?”

“If I didn’t dress the way I do, you would never be able to know how to improve things fashion wise.”

A thoughtful look came about on Tsubasa’s face. “Yeah, you’re right about that.” He nodded.

Hideaki scoffed and turned back to face his reflection. “But I still don’t think I’m that bad. Talk about exaggeration. Tsubasa, you took my habit and blew things up.”

“Not as bad as you.” Tsubasa stuck out his tongue.


There was a knock on the door, making both men jump. Tsubasa stepped to the side to let their manager in.

“Ten minutes boys.” He announced peering between both Hideaki and Tsubasa. “Did I interrupt something?”

“Oh just some friendly banter.” Hideaki waved off.

Tsubasa nodded and simply said, “Hide-kun was flirting with me again.”

“Tsubasa…” Hideaki glared at him embarrassed. He looked at their manager who was fending off laughter.

“Never mind him. We’ll be out soon.” He leered at Tsubasa. “Oi, go back to your dressing room and get ready.”

“Okay…be ready.” Their manager left.

Hideaki rolled his eyes. “I believe it was you who was flirting with me Imai.”

“I love it when you get embarrassed like that.” Tsubasa said delighted, reaching for the doorknob to leave.

“Hey, don’t say anything suspicious today on air.” Hideaki warned.

Obviously lying Tsubasa stated, “I won’t…” The door shut behind him.

“What am I going to do with him…” Hideaki went back to staring at the mirror. A faint smile was left on his face.

tackey & tsubasa, t&t

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