(no subject)

Aug 08, 2005 02:49

Hey, you're not OOC at all! You are... Canon
Snape! You have the dubious honor of being the
ugly, sarcastic, greasy git so many of us know
and love. Regardless of whether you're in a
het, slash, or gen fic, you are the
detention-giving bastard who would never even
dream of cuddling a fluffy bunny rabbit or
wearing purple leather. Even if you do
something that seems OOC, your writer is good
enough to explain it so that it seems
believable. Unfortunately, it's fairly rare to
find you in fanfiction, but for those authors
who write you... Ten points to Slytherin!

What Wildly Out-of-Character Fanfic Snape Are You?
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You're Evil Sev!! Just plain devilish, people fear
you, and you enjoy it! C'mon, you know you love
that Marilyn Manson...

Which Severus Snape Are You?
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You're doomed to be Lucius Malfoy! You're evil,
sneaky, evil, mean, powerful, evil,
influencial, and did I mention evil? You abuse
your house-elves, spoil your kid, and hate the
Potter kid with a passion. You're Voldemort's
right-hand man, and you carry a kick-ass cane.
Ah, Lucius, how we all love you and your evil,
sadistic tendencies...

Which HP Character Are You Doomed To Be?
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You are an Orthodox Snapeist.

You take Canon!Snape at face value -- like JKR
says, Snape is "a deeply horrible
person". You like to write/read stories
where he's portrayed as supercilious, unfair,
often undignified, and sometimes downright
cruel. You may accept some partial
explanations for his behavior when they're
offered in canon, but you're still pretty hard
on him, and don't like to let him off the hook.
The guy's a nasty, unwashed git -- it says so
in the books!

What kind of Snapeist are you?
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Hardened Professional - You are the consumate
professional. You are in this for the money.
Human life has value to you only in dollar
signs. You don't have stupid weaknesses for
animals and children, you don't screw up, and
you DEFINATELY don't let yourself get
distracted by improbably-sexy members of your
preferred sex. Get in, do the job, get out,
collect the cash - these steps define your
life. You'll probably make a lot of money,
since you're very good at what you do, but
you've sacrificed your humanity for it, and
that something you'll probably never get back.

What Kind of Assassin Are You?
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You are Snape! The Judas. Wow, you are despicable
and ugly and slimy and you probably smell. You
are horrible and traitorous and I really should
hate you except Alan Rickman plays you and he
rules...Ok, I'll just have to hope you killed
Dumbledore for a reason....maybe he asked you

Which Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince character are you?
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People see nothing in your eyes. You seem to either
be indifferent about everything or are trying
to cover up a lot of pain. Your eyes have a
cold stare that can make people shiver. Try to
show a little more caring, because your hard
exterior most likely drives people away.
...stop looking at me like that...stoppit!

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
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You are a fallen angel of cyniclism. You have
fallen because of your pessimistic and
critisising attitude. Always you look for the
worst in everybody and everything. You might do
this because you are fearful of being let down
by others. You're suspicious of them so they
cannot cause you pain. You are solitary,
negative, sarcastic yet insecure. You generally
find it hard in relationships as you can
appear/be cold towards

Quote: "A cynic is a
man who, when he smells flowers, looks around
for a coffin"


What type of Fallen Angel are you? [beautiful + dark pics]
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Isolated You may be described as solitary.
But that's because you prefer your own company.
Your happiest of times is where you are away
from humanity, with only your thoughts for
company. Other people may perceve you as cold
and distant and only to people you trust (if
any) will you will show your actual
personality. Because of this you don't usually
go out of your way for a person unless they are
close to you. You may think about how to get
away to escape your problems.

What's the dark side to your personality? [pics]
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You cry because of the story of your past which
still haunts you. You can't forgive the people
who hurt you back then and this has caused you
to be angry and frustrated. You cry tears of
torture. You want revenge more than anything
because of the unjust pain other people caused
you. The resentment slowly grows, causing you
as much pain as it did back then.

What has made you cry? [pics]
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