What should we call you?: Graham
Age: 16
D.O.B.: 10/23/89
Location: Chicago
Sex: Male
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Band(s): The Rosebuds, Animal Collective, Metric, The Submarines, The Notwist, Ms. John Soda, The New Pornographers, Garbage, L'Altra, The Decemberists
Singer(s): Maria Taylor, Katie Melua, Cat Stevens
Song as of this moment: "Letter From an Occupant" by The New Pornographers
Movie(s): Annie Hall, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Adaptation, Some Like it Hot, Life of David Gale
Actor/Actress: Kate Winslet
Color: Green
Quote: "God is a comedian with an audience too afraid to laugh." - Voltaire (the Philosopher, not the singer)
T.V. show(s): Survivor, Will and Grace, America's Next Top Model (Shut up, it's damn good TV)
Book(s): Lathe of Heaven, The Psycho-Ex Game, High Fidelity, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time
Animal(s): I'm a big animal fan, but I'm biased to dogs and guinea pigs.
*Opinions* Be as honest as possible.
Labels: People take them too seriously on either end of the hypothetical spectrum. One one end you have the people who are terribly offended if someone would even think about giving them a basic sterotype, on the other you have those who devote their whole self to a label or whatever, and in doing so keep some aspects of their personality hidden.
One current event: Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin should not be allowed to name their children. They're just giving their kids a head-start at hating them.
Organized Sports: Not for me.
Cliques/Social Groups: People are drawn to other people who share similar characteristics with them. Cliques aren't avoidable, but they should let eachother be.
Gangs (like bloods, crips, whatever): As much fun as senseless violence is, I'm generally opposed to gangs.
Radio: I only really listen to NPR.
MTV: Fucking [pathetically] hilarious shows. I do kind of want to be on the Real World, though.
MTV2: Don't watch it
VH1: I'll occasionally turn it on, but I'm not an avid VH1-er.
Fuse(Much Music, same thing): Meh...I saw it once in Canada. No opinion.
National News (CNN, Fox News etc.): They should just tell us what we need to know and a few interesting events that may effect us in some way or another. We don't need the extra bullshit details.
Drugs (Meds, recreational. Whichever stirs you): I'm not opposed to recreational drug use unless people use to the point of allowing it to take over their lives. Then it's just flat-out moronic.
Alcohol use: I'm not a big drinker, and don't think people need to go into detail about how blind-ass drunk they got last weekend. Stop showing off, you're impressing no-one worthwhile.
Any pets?: A dog (Emmy)
picPiercings & tattoos? Post pictures if you'd like: None, but I want to pierce my septum and lip. Not sure about what tattoos I'd want yet, but I'm seriously considering devoting part of my 18th birthday to them.
Why'd you pick the username you did?: fantastic-fan+k=tastick -- There's really no reason for it, I was just thinking of random crap and somehow came up with it.
What are your pet peeves?: Stupid people
What's your style like? (picture?): It differs between bright colors and naturals. I'm rarely seen with just one shirt, often seen with corduroys or jeans. You'll see in my other pics.
What's your attitude like?: I can come off as a little bit snobby, but I'm generally nice to people. I don't go out of my way to be intimidating or rude to people. I'm also very funny. Seriously.
What are your friends like? (pictures?): They're each awesome in their own way. I don't have recent pictures of any of them, so until you meet them or I make a picture post, you'll have to just take my word for it.
What are your hobbies?: Singing, theater, painting, drawing, playing guitar
What is one thing that is important to you?: Music--it's cliche as hell for me to say this, but whether it's listening to it or creating, it effects me in a way nothing else can. I get really into songs, and develop great pictures in my head. It's just very relaxing.
How do you like school?: It's not a bowl of fun (if one could fit "fun" into a bowl, school would not be either the bowl or the fun), but I'd imagine I prefer knowing what I know now as to what I'd know without some sort of education to back me up.
How'd you find this community? (be specific): I don't remember, I think it may have been from
moontrip. I used to be a member, but then I was in too many communities, so I just died out in all of them. Now I'm just being selective about which ones I join and which ones are moronic.
Why do you think WE should accept YOU?: Because I'm so darn cool. Or I'd like to think you got something out of my application that made you smile or laugh or something. If for no other reason, because I want to be a member.
What are you most commonly labeled?: Indie
If you were to label yourself, what your label be?: Probably indie
please promote in 1 place and provide a link (try to avoid promo communities):
herePlease post at least 2 decent pics including 1 full body shot:
The top and bottom pics are about as "full-body" as I get. Let me know if the moron pics are a problem.