These are pictures from the Recollection our class had last Sunday.
It was such a waste of time; I actually enjoyed having blood seep out from the stitched up hole in my gums.
Dada and Wendy
Dada, Me and Jerel
Dada, Wendy, CH_Ben and Jerel
Jerry, Dada, Titus (at the back, and Me. it just me or is my face shaped like a plate?
Tim, Eugene, Wendy and Jerry
Jerry, Me, Eugene and Tim
Me, Wendy, Jollibee...XD and Eugene
Wendy and Jerry
These are just random pictures taken on random days for no reason at all! =D
Ralph and Jollibee...XD
CH_Ben, Ralph, Eugene and GayL dissecting a poor, defenseless frog
Nice and Jerel = ♥ soon as Jerel gets the balls to ask her out
Andie and Nica
Andie and Nice again
Eugene and JP getting it on in Microbio Lab. XD