25 random things

Jan 27, 2009 19:19

I got roped into this on Facebook, so I'll just do it here.

1) I have a hypersensitive nose. The first thing I notice upon meeting someone new is how they smell.

2) My eyes change color from green to blue to gray, depending on clothing and mood.

3) I look young for my age. This isn't a compliment yet.

4) I get obsessive-compulsive about the order things are in: books within series, colored pencils (mine have numbers on them), etc.

5) I see life and souls in things that have none (dolls, carousel horses, etc.). This is a direct result, I'm certain, of reading too many Rumer Godden books as a kid.

6) I secretly like the A-Teens. I can't help it.

7) I love puzzles, especially word puzzles. I used to have a stack of puzzle magazines saved up from when I was a kid.

8) I think I can still recite most of my favorite ReBoot episode by heart. I tried it when I was in the hospital to calm myself down.

9) I'm exceedingly passionate about gay rights.

10) If I could have one wish -- for anything at all -- I'd wish to speak with the dead. Think of all the hearts I could put at ease, including my own. Sadly, I don't think that's really possible for anyone to do; it's fairly obvious that the supposed mediums who do are charlatans.

11) I've always wanted to learn horseback riding.

12) I have a total girl-crush on Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4. Soooo cooool!

13) People always tell me I have awfully teeny little feet for my height, but, based on the foot-to-forearm ratio, they're perfectly in proportion.

14) My favorite number is 14.

15) I always think of the more interesting random things about myself when I'm not in front of the computer and then never have a good opportunity to use them.

16) I have a good memory for birthdays. I once randomly made a high school friend happy by remembering her birthday, so I always try to say at least something to everyone on theirs.

17) I hate eggs. I absolutely despise them. I can't even be in the same room if someone is cooking eggs. That smell...

18) I have a third nipple. (No, you can't see it.) I spent the first twenty years of my life believing it was a mole until my doctor matter-of-factly disabused me of that notion. On the plus side, Tara never asked me to tell her a story again.

19) Of the two fictional characters I find most compelling, both are female, and neither are human. (Amaterasu from Okami and EVE from Wall-E)

20) My biggest comfort food is mac 'n' cheese. Om nom nom.

21) My blood type is A negative.

22) When I was absurdly little I faceplanted onto the sidewalk in front of my house and chipped a tooth. The chipped tooth has since fallen out, but the adult tooth that arrived in its place has a perfect yellow rectangle on it, a mark of the impact.

23) My grandmother saved my life. Being one and dumb, I once ate a mushroom out of her backyard before she could stop me. She called Poison Control and got me to hork it up. No idea if the mushroom was actually harmful, but if it was, then damn.

24) I think anime men are hot, but they're even hotter in drag. The inverse applies to real men, probably because of several Haverford Drag Balls.

25) I'm twenty-four years old and still afraid of the dark. Nnngh.

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