I picked my wedding dress.
When I first saw the Disney Bridal collection, I kind of snorted. This seemed at once like a great idea and completely ridiculous. I was hoping for reproductions of the princesses' actual wedding dresses, or maybe wedding versions of princess dresses, and what we all got was couture floof "inspired" by the princesses.
Still, it was sort of nice-looking, if rather far out of my price range.
So when I started trying on some dresses last month and I found a Kirstie Kelley on the sale rack, massively discounted, I decided to try it just for the sheer hell of it. I'd always wanted to try on a Disney dress. And then, suddenly... once it was on, it looked good. Amazing, even. The sample on the rack was a perfect fit, and the look matched my fantasies exactly -- off the shoulder sleeves, big full skirt, not too heavy. Everyone told me how good I looked, what a difficult dress it was to wear, how I had the body for it. Out of curiosity I asked the woman there which princess this dress was. She smiled and said, "You are Cinderella."
Today, after a month of mulling it over, I tried it on again. (Twice.) It was just as good as I remembered, and this time I felt curiously at home in it. After a full day of trying on dresses -- I think at this point I've hit saturation, so now all wedding gowns look the same to me and nudge me a little toward madness -- I didn't find anything else that felt quite exactly right.
I booked it. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is what it looks like: