
Jun 21, 2007 02:55

Adam and I are seriously messed up.

First of all, the link that spawned this madness: Genpets

I won't add the whole conversation, just two small snippets of our...unique view on life etc.
First snippet:
We were discussing what if we went into business and bought 200 of them...

SCRE\/\/ED: Each package has a built in low cost heart monitor, that is fully functional with green LED lights and built in speaker.
SCRE\/\/ED: ok so yeah, no WAY would i get sleep
Kid Krid ™ : they have vocal chords
SCRE\/\/ED: imagine that
SCRE\/\/ED: laying in bed
Kid Krid ™: albeit limited, they have vocal chords
SCRE\/\/ED: 200 on the rack awaiting shipment
SCRE\/\/ED: its 2am
Kid Krid ™: one flatlines
SCRE\/\/ED: suddenly one flatlines
SCRE\/\/ED: oh you bastard
Kid Krid ™: they all wake up and start wailing
SCRE\/\/ED: oh god
SCRE\/\/ED: i can see it now
SCRE\/\/ED: me standing there
SCRE\/\/ED: arms by my side
SCRE\/\/ED: legs apart
Kid Krid ™: omg i havent laughed this hard in ages
SCRE\/\/ED: in the glow of 199 flashing lights and one flatlining bleep coming from one monitor
SCRE\/\/ED: and all of them crying
SCRE\/\/ED: screaming
SCRE\/\/ED: oh god
Kid Krid ™: you do realise we are both seriously twisted individuals
SCRE\/\/ED: yes
SCRE\/\/ED: yes we are

Snippet two:
SCRE\/\/ED: I just keep thinking, what if we fed it drugs?
SCRE\/\/ED: What if you gave it steriods?
Kid Krid ™: Might have an effect
Kid Krid ™: It IS living tissue
SCRE\/\/ED: Pump ups
SCRE\/\/ED: Uppers
Kid Krid ™: LSD
SCRE\/\/ED: Oh god LSD
Kid Krid ™: Get it hooked on crack
SCRE\/\/ED: This is somehow so wrong
Kid Krid ™: Roffle my imagination is twisted
SCRE\/\/ED: Omfg
Kid Krid ™: I just got a visual of a genpet with a crackpipe!

Yeah. Messed up :D
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