Wow. I'm eating maple grits-- yum? We dont have this in the north.

Jan 29, 2008 15:05

So I think the TOK final went pretty well. Everyone seems pretty happy with their grades. This is very, very good.

I didnt do as well on the Hamlet comparative essay as I had wanted to. I'm kind of sad. But whatever, anything above a C+ is fine with me. I hope my writing has somehow improved since the beginning of the year-- I dont know how really because we never do any writing.

I am mentally retarded with math. And I mean no disrespect when I say that-- I literally, I swear to god, am. Why the hell cant I understand it? I dont know why the hell I cant just break on through and grasp the figures. It frustrates the heck out of me. I find it amusing how we, as a human population, dont know anything beyond Calculus. I only found this out last week. I mean.. I suppose-- started thinking about it philosophically.

Psychology. I'm pretty sad with how I did on the final. I was expecting something like a 95, and I got an 85. I mean, I'm not like unhappy-- I just thought I did better than that. The test was different than any other tests because every single question was so straightforward and I checked every single answer thereafter. I think I'm going to go back and relook at those questions because there's no reason why I should have allowed anything but a 90 at least to happen. Way to screw up Lizzie.

Biology. I dont know how I did on the final. I'm just -- I'm never going to let myself live down pH. Never. I hate myself for that so much. I honestly do. I had the knowledge there on the test for it. I knew that when your muscles are deprived of oxygen, there's a build-up of lactic acid and therefore-- that is an acidic situation, and the pH lowers. Not raises like I said on the test because I'm an idiot. I cant believe I forgot that acids are lower than 7 on the pH continuum. I hate myself. Had I just stopped and thought for a second perhaps about citric acid-- I would have remembered that citric acid has a pH of 3 REMINDER! ADD THIS TO THE CATALOGUE OF THINGS THAT IRK ME BIOLOGICALLY. Then I would have caught myself. Idiot. I will never forget the fact that when we exercise our blood pH decreases.

French. I'm happy I got a 17/20 (finally) on my enregistement. Its a lot easier doing the assignment like everyone else. God. Screw morals on those things.

We're going to rock this semester. I wont rest until I have a 4.0-- the time to do it is now.
For French my entire class is figuring out how we can be eachother's support system. Thank god I have people like this in my French class. Seriously, I love our small class. We will overcome these setbacks in knowledge.

Hard rock will quelch my negativity.
A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.

B. Tag [5] people to do the same.

C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".

1. I treat dead people (Plato, Lafayette, Hamilton, Socrates) as though they are still with us. I treat them like the friends I'll never be able to see or talk to physically. Unless they're people who are "dead to me"... (Here's lookin' at you Aristotle and Aaron Burr.)

2. I watch and enjoy the new Barbie movies (ie. Barbie Island Princess).

3. When I was little I thought I could/would be the one to talk with wolves someday.

4. Over half of the books on my coffee table (10/18) in my room are on the American Revolution. Another quarter are on various philosophers (Yes Kierkegaard, you made an appearance-- of those philosophy books more than half are from/on Plato). The others are either by Jane Austen or Stephen Colbert.

5. I cannot blow my nose, nor unplug my ears by holding my nose and blowing-- it is physcially impossible for me.

6. My worst fear is being burried alive, therefore I am marginally claustrophobic--surprisingly, I did not mind being in the Aztec pyramid in Merida.

7. I will never ever forget the fact that there are 43560 square feet in an acre because it is an important number to an old friend.
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