2 LOST drabbles

Mar 22, 2010 19:27

the lament of chasms| sawyer/juliet, sawyer/kate | spoilers through 6.03
written for lostsquee 's "Drabble Challenge 2010"

provisional: existing only until permanently or properly replaced; temporary

"Which time," questioned through tears and the visible breakdown of love. A flash of Sawyer ghosts across features still painted with dried blood and her heart should catch, but all she can hear is "what the hell are you doing here."

He stands, digs his fingerprints into the unworn gold, and throws pieces of himself into the water. He is lost, again. Ashes to ashes. She watches the dissolution, feels the weight of permanence settle deep into her bones.

"I never should have followed you."

He walks away, leaves her gasping; stranded, between the gaps of three and thirty years.

patterns of circumstance | sawyer, kate/sawyer | spoilers through 6.08 (Recon)
written for lost_in_108, challenge 25 "return"

The return of Sawyer is instantaneous. A slip of tongue, the tip of scales. Time shifts, then breaks back into old familiar pieces. He leaves Jim to drown ten feet off the end of a submarine dock and walks towards the fire.

Kate doesn't move as he approaches, still reeling from the collapse of three years and counting. Sawyer sinks beside her, talks, Which Time weighted liquid between them. It takes her a moment to finally look at him, and when she does, Sawyer stumbles. Recon fades in the breath of a moment and all he can remember is the press of cage bars. Freckles.

You and me.

my fic, lost

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