Okay, I thought of this last night. In the Lord of the Rings movies why doesn't frodo kill gullum? Why does he have so much compasion for gullum
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I listened to a great thing on public radio last night about a guy who had written a couple books about early christians. It was really interesting and I'd like to learn more. He talked about several different sects of christians and what they believed in and about all the different books that many of these people used but were not included in
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So lots of shit has happened since I last updated this thing. I really mean to do it more then I do. So lets start with the most resent stuff and go backwards as long as I feel like continuing. Warning: this will contain the work 'fuck' a lot. Also I'm going to be an uncle
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This is actual output from a program Richard and I were compiling. Can you see why this is funny? I can, it's hilarious. (hint, look at the next to last line on the blue screen... it starts with make.