What with all my working out, I've been thinking of getting started on my D*C costume (finally, ha ha).
Now, I know at least one of my outfits is going to be the Prince of Persia, but I was hoping I could get your input on which one it should be. I've got a few choices and for the life of me, I simply can't decide on which one.
The Sands of Time is classic and iconic, but it's kind of bland (in my opinion). I don't know, this costume has a lot going for in in that it's simple but recognizable, it's probably going to be quite cheap, and putting it together doesn't involve too much work at all. Like I said earlier though, what is a downer for me with regards to this costume is that it doesn't really have too much flash behind it.
The Two Thrones outfit is quite cool and has quite a few nice accents to it, but out of all his outfits, it's probably the least recognizable one (in my opinion anyway). Another downside to it is that the Prince in this costume has glowy runic painting up and down his left arm and a
very involved tattoo on his right shoulder, both of which I can't do, and both of which I don't want to entrust to some random person to possibly mess up.
The Warrior Within and the Movie/Forgotten Sands costume I'm going to discuss together because they're very similar designs. They're ornate, pretty badass, and with the new movie coming out, they're definitely going to be the most recognizable Prince costume that I could make. The con to this costume pair for me boils down to something I feel somewhat strongly about. That being that well, I'm brown. I've never worn brown or mostly brown costumes or clothing in my life before because I feel like my sexy desi chocolate power deserves to stand alone. That, and I feel that when you take sexy desi brown and add more brown to it, you end up with an undulating mass of brown on brown, which is most definitely un-sexy.
SO! While I went on for much longer than I intended with that, I would really appreciate your input on my conundrum. Thanks in advance!