Backtagging: I can backtag for as long as you can. :D
Threadhopping: It's fine with me.
Fourthwalling: You can do it...but he will most likely remain unaffected. And also think that you're some kind of idiot.
Offensive subjects:
- Ryuuko because how dare you talk about him, you are not worthy
- Homurabi because he's still alive
- Akira because he is and Ryuuko isn't
- humans because HUMANS
- human emotions like worry
- human personality traits like arrogance and stupidity
Hugging this character: Sure, but if he can dodge it, he'll dodge it. If he can't dodge he'll accept it, but he won't like it.
Kissing this character: As long as you keep in mind that it would end up with your character receiving a swift punch to the gut and a right hook to the face "by accident".
Flirting with this character/Relationships: Um. He...doesn't really care about this kind of thing but if you want to feel free? He won't respond though. Ever. Unless the response you want is violence. In which case, see above.
Easiest way to get on his bad side: Be human. Talk about Ryuuko. Or do both at the same time.
Easiest way to get on his good side: Doing what he wants you to do with minimal fuss and talking although it might end up with him looking down on you. Even better would be to have a personality and world view he can respect.
Can I hack his journal?: Probably. He won't like it though. Not one bit.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/etc?: I approve of this, just keep in mind that Shirogane may attempt to kill you for shapeshifting and maim your body if they bodyswap.
Sexual orientation: Mostly asexual, but can feign interest if need be. Only really has interest towards Ryuuko and his job.
Fighting with this character: If you don't mind my fail fight-logs, sure.
Injuring this character: I'm okay with this, but please ask beforehand!
Killing this character: I'm not tired of playing him yet, so I'll pass on this.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: His mind is a rather sad, tsun place, but feel free.
Warnings: He's an all-round terrible person who is masquerading as a dumb, smiley, nice one. And humans really piss him off.
Other Stuff: If he's shouting at you, it's an indication that your relationship is actually progressing.