So I think it's time for me to do my annual top ten comics list since we're closing in on the end of the year. As always, my standard disclaimer applies. I get my comics in trades so I might be behind on stuff and also this is the best out of what I read, not necessarily the best out of what's on the stands.
1. The Unwritten - This book is still the most innovative book on the shelves today. They had an issue that was formatted like a choose-your-own-adventure book and it worked. Seriously, name another comic that's done something like that. Do you like to write? Read this book already.
2. Secret Six - I'm sad that this book is over what with DC relaunching all their books. This series was stellar and it's the reason why I now love Gail Simone. All the characters in this book were great and I didn't think any of them would be before I started reading it. Pick up the trades and check this book out. You won't be disappointed.
3. X-Factor - This book is still good but it still has the same problem. The cast is way too large. Characters are kinda getting lost in the shuffle and there needs to be some trimming of the fat. I do like the addition of Rahne to the book so she can finish up the plots that PAD set up for her in the beginning of the series. This series is still good, just cut the cast down by a couple characters or more and it'll be better.
4. Hack/Slash - Apparently getting a deal with Image means your distribution comes out better. Seriously, I picked up the new trade for this a couple months ago and it made me remember why I love this book. Lots of interesting developments with the Black Lamp Society and who their leader might be. As always, the friendship between Cassie and Vlad is what really drives this book for me. Tim Seely really knows how to balance the action with the drama and it works really well for this series.
5. Avengers: The Children's Crusade - Okay shit just got real in this mini. Seriously, Wanda is trying to repower the mutants? Hell yes. I never thought in a million years any writer could undo all the damage done to her by Bendis all in one go but Heinberg is getting there. I really hope this mini is almost finished because I can't wait for the trade so I can read it all over again. So much love.
6. Avengers Academy - I wanted to reserve my judgment on this series until after I had read the first trade. I have now done so and I think it's really good. If Gage keeps up this kind of work then this series is going to easily be in the top five next year. The students are interesting, the teachers are great, the writing is top-notch, go get this book. If you are reading a current teen superhero book and it's not this one then you're missing out. Check this series out.
7. Red Robin - Again, this series was good until DC relaunched all their books. I kinda lost track of this book with everything else that was going on but I read a couple issues here and there and I still plan on getting more trades when they come out. On a related note, it was nice to see Tim get back together with his Titan pals. It made me pick up that book before DC relaunched it and kinda messed it up. Anyways, Red Robin is good because I love Tim Drake and you should too.
8. Uncanny X-Force - Pretty much the only reason this book is so high on the list is because of The Dark Angel Saga. This thing is amazing and you should read it when it comes out in trade (The first hardcover of TDAS is already out). It's weird because it has a bunch of stuff in it that I don't like but the writing is so good that I don't care. The Dark Angel Saga is something that actually deserves to be called "epic", unlike most things these days. I will probably end up dropping this book once this storyline is over but until then I really like it.
9. Fables/Jack of Fables - Okay, I seriously didn't know they were canceling Jack of Fables and it bums me out. I really, really liked that series because it was so hilarious and it balanced out Fables really nicely. The ending to the series was really funny though. Have to love the tragic Shakespearean endings. Fables is good too but it just feels like they're rehashing a lot of stuff they already did. Mr. Dark is the new Adversary and now the Fables have to take Fabletown back from him. Maybe in a twist they'll have to exile themselves back to the homelands and spend all their time trying to take our world back from Mr. Dark. I dunno, this book is kinda getting stale for me.
10. Batman Beyond - I hate to sound like a broken record but DC actually had a lot of good books before the reboot. I read the Hush Beyond mini that Beechen wrote and thought it was really good. This guy must've either been a huge fan of the TV show or had recently just rewatched the whole thing because he really knows this continuity and knows how to extrapolate on things from the series. Looking back on it, I was actually a huge fan of Batman Beyond when it was on TV so getting a sort of continuation like this is a real treat for me. Plus, I loved the artwork in this series and how it tried to mirror the animation style of the show. Great stuff.