So apparently LJ might be down right now so I don't know how well this cross-post thing is going to work. Anyways, since most of my TV shows have shown their season finales, I thought it would be a good time to do a yearly rundown. Be warned, there are spoilers.
1. Burn Notice - Wow this past season was good. I thought it was a little slow at first but during the second half of the season everything picked up and went crazy. The cliffhanger at the end of the finale with Fiona going to jail was fantastic and I'm excited to see what they do for the season premiere in a few weeks. I'm expecting it to be absolutely nuts.
2. Grimm - I just finished watching the finale for the first season and I really love this show. If it wasn't for Burn Notice having such a spectacular season, this show would be my number one. My complaint about the first half of this season was it felt like nothing was really happening. Everything was on such a slow burn that it felt like the show was treading water but things really picked up in the second half of the season. The writers have really taken their time to develop the world Nick lives in and the colorful amount of creatures that secretly inhabit it. Plus we have tons of questions still to be answered, including the revelation that occurs in the last few seconds of the season finale. If you're a fan of either the police procedural genre or the supernatural genre then you should watch this show.
3. Young Justice - I really liked season one of this show as you can tell from my earlier review. I thought the last five or six episodes of it were really, really strong and the season finale was awesome. This new season with the time-skip and all that? Meh, I'm really not feeling it. It's slowly starting to get better but too much has changed and there's too many missing pieces to the puzzle. Expect this one to drop down the list unless they do something really awesome with season two.
4. Justified - I didn't like this season as much as I did the other two. The show is still solid and there's plenty of action and some great jokes but this season just didn't click for me. I think it was mostly the finale that left me a little sour. It just didn't seem to have the same pop that the others have had. Still, this is a good show and I'm interested to see what they come up with for season four now that most of the big bad guys are gone (aside from Boyd).
5. Dexter - I was liking this season up until the last couple of episodes where they had to throw the DebxDexter stuff in there. I know that Dexter is adopted so it's technically not incest but I still think it's uncomfortable to watch and I don't really see why the writers felt the need to go there. I'm hoping now that Deb knows some or maybe all of Dexter's secret life, it'll be a huge turn-off for her and we can just sweep this under the rug and forget about it.
6. Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - This show should probably be a little higher on the list than it is. I was worried that the writers had mined pretty much all the classic Avengers stories for season one and they wouldn't have anything left for season two. This whole "Secret Invasion" style story with the Skrulls is really great though. It's put a lot of intrigue into the series and created tons of tension between the members, especially since in the most recent episode Iron Man, Black Panther, and Ms. Marvel quit the team over the trust issues. Even though this season is almost half over, it's still shaping up to be quite good.
7. Leverage - I actually really enjoyed the concept behind the villain of this season. I thought it was cool that this guy actually made his fortune by investing in the competitors of the companies that Nate and his team take down. I liked that the writers tied it back in with the original villain from the premiere of season one. The ending to the finale seemed a little bit happier than it really should've been. I mean even though Nate didn't kill those two scumbags, he did set up the whole situation and basically lure them to their deaths. To me, that's not exactly something where you want to be all happy and say "Yay, Nate's not a killer". He kind of is a killer even though he wasn't the one to pull the trigger. I'm interested to see if the writers do more with that in the next season.
8. Transformers Prime - This show should've been on last year's list. Aside from the annoying humans, this show might be one of the best Transformers shows of all time. The writing is fantastic and the writers definitely know their Transformers lore, weaving bits and pieces of it throughout this series. This season hasn't been as good as season one but I'm anxious to see if they can top the finale they had for the first season. If you're a Transformers fan then you should watch this show.
9. Thundercats - I was kind of a Thundercats fan when I was a kid. I mean it wasn't as cool as Transformers or MASK but it was alright. This new series though is really good. It pretty much takes all the things wrong with the original series and fixes them. The characters now have really interesting histories and they feel like three-dimensional people. Even the whole Thundercat species has an interesting origin in this series and I feel like this show is so much better than the other one ever could be. I kinda feel cheated that I got the original series when I was a kid instead of this one.
10. Criminal Minds - This show just isn't doing it for me anymore. There were some good episodes this season and I thought the finale was really strong but I'm just not feeling this show anymore. JJ and Prentiss are back (although it looks like Prentiss might leave again) but stuff just isn't clicking for me anymore. Also I think at this point Hotch should just run the whole FBI or whatever. Seriously, that guy is super-capable at his job and seems better able to run things than Chief Strauss, especially since we found out that she's an alcoholic.