I wish people would see all it takes to be happy is some motivation.
I'll give them the motivation they need. I really will.
But after that, they're on their own. I just wish people would take
advantage of this. Because sitting around never did anyone any good.
And you can't argue with that.
In The Beginning.....
Who are you: Holly
Where are you from: SP
Birthday: 8-15-88
Are you tired of answering those same 3 questions in every quiz u take: It never gets old.
Why did you decide to take THIS quiz: I have no life?
*How do you feel about.....
Homosexuals: They are gay.
Heterosexuals: They are gay.
Bisexuals: The same way I feel about homo's and hetero's.
Christians: Are too gullable, but that's just me.
Pagans: Are really cool.
Harry Potter fans: Are obsessed.
anime: Nope.
Star Trek: Nope.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Just stupid.
Friends: :(
Will & Grace: Funny?
Religion: Everyone needs their own.
Politics: tear people apart.
Gay Marriage: Sure!
Straight Marriage: If you insist.
Marriage in General: Isn't what it used to be.
Monogamy: Whatever floats your boat.
Disney Movies: No good ones ever come out anymore.
Diet Soda: I'm diabetic, I have to drink it.
Music Piracy (MP3 File Sharing): Guilty.
*Ooooh... Look at all the stars....
Is Christina Aguilera a slut?: Yeaaap.
Is Britney Spears a slut?: Probably.
Did Janet intentionally let her boob flop out?: Yes.
Did Michael molest those kids?: No!
Did O.J. do it?: Yep.
If you had to star in a same-sex love scene, who'd it be with?: Maggie Gyllenhaal.
opposite-sex love scene, who would it be?: Jake Gyllenhaal.
Who's your favorite actor?: Jake.
Who's your favorite actress?: Drew Barrymore.
Favorite Musician or band?: Pretty Girls Make Graves, and most new wave bands.
Favorite stand-up comedian?: Jerry Seinfeld?
Favorite athlete?: Peekaboo or whatever her name is.
Favorite model?: I don't know their name.
Favorite Talk Show host?: Oprah.
*More about you.....
Are you single or are you taken?: Single.
What do you do in your spare time?: Get online.
What are your creative outlets?: I sew?
Do you have a webpage?: Yeah.
Do you read/write fanfic/slash: Sometimes.
What is in your CD player right now?: New wave mix #2, Blonde mix, Trippy mix #1.
What is the last TV show you watched?: My dad has an O's game on.
What is the last thing u said out loud?: In my CD case.
last thing you ate?: Popsicle.
last thing you drank?: Diet soda.
What are you wearing right now?: Blue shirt and jeans with this MK&A headband.
Do you sleep in the nude?: Too cold!
What do u lie awake thinking about at night?: Boys.
How many pillows do u have on your bed?: 7.
How many things are there in you room that have to be plugged in?: Probably 20.
How long have u lived at your current place of residence?: All my life.
What (if any) jewelry do u always wear?: My AD bracelet, my Betty Rebel Necklace, and like 20 earrings
Do you have any tattoos?: Nope.
Do you have any piercings?: 9 in ears, and my monroe.
There was a lot more but I have to go to my mom's now, so if anyone wants to hang out call me 4439949405!