You'd think, with all the old blood that runs in Romanian wizards' veins, that they'd have a bit more class and cleanliness. It's shocking to see how poor the country is, in both the magical and not so magical worlds.
I will not waste my time with such superfluous questions as to how your day was and the like. Though I am curious of course, how you've been faring as of late?
I don't know if your Watcher has access to any others but mine and Draco's, but it seems your son has started a rather intruiging trend within the halls of our alma mater. While I can only observe and speculate as to the true extent (as well as motivations) of the situation, it seems the House Walls have begun to crumble. It is an interesting phenomena to observe.
In other news, I have a scheduled appointment with the dottering fools and idiots at the Ministry in the next week, to discuss the possibilities of your release. And before you say it, I know that the cause is a difficult and unlikely one. However it would be a shortcoming in my duties as a wife not to put forth my best efforts at least in the attempt.
I'll be home within the week Draco darling. Is there anything you'd like me to send from home?