Is your character a Persona user?: Not yet.
Is your character aware of the TV world?: Not yet.
Do you want your character to know about the TV world?: Eventually.
Does your character know about the investigation team?: Nope.
Is your character from the P3 plot? If not, do you want your character to know about the P3 plot?: Yes.
Do you want your character to know about Investigation Team/other Persona Users?: Yes.
Do you want your character to be kidnapped into the TV World?: Yes.
What is your character's status, financially?: Pretty well-off!
Is there a basis for that financial status?: Lives with Emilio, and has ~*mafia connections*~
Could people threadhop with you/in your posts?: As long it's not locked or filtered or something, go ahead.
Could we hug your character?: Awkward turtle on character's part, but mun says go ahead.
How about kissing?: Rosa will freak the hell out, but if you really want to, go ahead!
Badtouching? ;O; : I'm gonna have to say no.
What about the dirty tango? ;} : AHAHAHAHAHA no.
Can I fight your character?: Sure!
Can I punch/cause your character non-serious injuries?: I'm fine with that.
Can I stab/cut/cause your character serious injuries without them losing limbs?: Leaning more towards no, but this is case-by-case so talk to me if you want to.
What if they do lose limbs/get maimed?: No
Can I torture your character; Mentally or Physically?: Leaning more towards no for physically, yes for mentally.
If you're going to drop, can I kill your character?: No :'(
What don't you want mentioned to your character?: If your character knows/finds out Rosa is a reverse trap and isn't Emilio, please to not be mentioning about it to her, at least until she's more comfortable about people letting people know. But otherwise, she is fine with many things.
Anything else?: As mentioned, is a reverse trap! It's pretty hard to tell at the current time though, other than sounding a bit girly for a boy, but this will probably change since puberty is finally getting to her. She is short (about 4'10"). She carries a pocketknife in her coat pocket, and while she doesn't carry it all the time (esp. at school) and doesn't really know how to fight, doesn't have a lot of qualms about using it if threatened.