For Vic o/
- Comes from a lower-middle class family. Hasn't to spoken with any of them in a long time...which might be for the better seeing one of his siblings joined the police force, haha.
- Married his (now-ex-)waifu after he joined the mafia. In retrospect, it probably wasn't a really good idea.
- He's known Rosa's father since the early days of the Family, and is a "close friend" of sorts with him. Which is why he trusts Celestino with Rosa.
- He started babysitting Rosa because he was injured at the time, and didn't have a whole lot to do because of it. Taught her how to play solitaire, among other things.
- ...Miiight have accidentally and completely unknowingly put the idea that Rosa's father would have preferred a son instead of a daughter in her head, ahaha :( It was about her name and when she tried asking him about her mom.
- That said, sort-of-kind-of-not-really knew Rosa's mom when she was still around! Not by much, though.
- His oldest son, Enrique, used to hero worship Celestino pre-divorce and everything. When the divorce happened and he found out his dad was mafia, Enrique pretty much lost all the respect he had for Celestino, being the justice-freak he was then.
- His middle kid is high school-aged and frankly does not give a damn about Celestino :[b
- The youngest child is like...7 or 8? He adores Celestino and thinks he is awesome papa, though Celestino suspects that this is only because he doesn't know any better.
- He used to call Rosa "Rosarito" (lit. little rose), but doesn't anymore because he's getting the idea that Rosa doesn't liked being referred to as "little" these days.
- The biggest reason why he's on Emilio's case is because...well, he got replaced by an accountant. It had better be a damn good accountant because otherwise this would be a serious insult to his pride! Well, that and it's just natural douchebag-ness.
- Is a pretty good cheater at various card games. Basically, card games between him, Emilio, Rosa, and/or at least half of the executives is a matter of "who can outcheat everyone else".