Age: ANCIENT (millions and millions of years)
Height: huge, like fuckin' 20 stories high or something (taller than optimus, and that's all that matters)
Weight: heavy like your mom (we're big-boned)
Medical Info: um is a giant transforming robot from outer space with the blood of unicron/dark energon running through his veins. SEEING IT IS UNLIKELY HE WILL REQUIRE A NON-CYBERTRONIAN DOCTOR, let's put this on hold for a while (aka until I have to deal with this directly :'D)
Eyes: glowing red!1 (they are purple in some icons but please ignore that is no longer a thing that happens. . .probably)
Hair: what
noPhysical traits: ... extremely large, pointy, and made of metal. tad bit imposing all around. usually has his iconic energy cannon strapped to his right arm.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: whatever you want as MEGATRON GIVES ZERO FUCKS
Abilities: . . . can transform into some
bizarre monstrosity of a plane. gladiator/fighter extraordinaire. ... although an excellent schemer, his strategic skills are a bit lacking, imo, as they involve "SENSELESS DESTRUCTION AND INTIMIDATION" but they've worked out well so far. . .
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: grade A++ psychotic manipulator here, folks. 0% of his processes involve good things. 100% (okay maybe 99%, 1% of them is for watching heart-warming sitcoms) of them involve other people's pain and suffering. slightly obsessed with broptimus. once upon a time he believed in good things, but those times are long gone now :')
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: . . . . . . why would you even okay why not smoochies are the right of all sentient beings
Maim/Murder/Death: yes please i'll gladly crush your spark oh wait you mean you want to kill me. yes also.
Cooking: hahahahaha ha starscream's the wife for a reason
Other: oh god just talk to me okay we'll work it out baby
tl;dr I understand that due to the nature of his, uh, M...megatron-ness, it may be difficult or undesirable for us to interact. You have my promise not to inflict physical injury unless previously thoroughly and mutually discussed, but regardless, for blanket opt-out of tyrannical funtimes: Comment here if you do not want me to tag you with Megatron.