(no subject)

May 02, 2009 00:21

Its finally happening after 10 years of planning I have started writing Neverworld, the first two pages scared me stiff writing it.

Almost frozen in place, the momentum dragging all the more slowly as I ran; my heart would race leaving me gasping for breath, with my body picking up all the more weight slowing me down. I kept moving all the same, the fear would never allow me to be caught. I kept trying to run, without looking back once, without even knowing just what I was running from. With no where left to run, the feeling snatched me; and I opened my eyes.
In a mad sweat, I woke up. Outside was early twilight, as the day would crawl in. Tears would flow down my cheeks with no emotion, but relief that I could again feel safe; for the time being anyway. The world would still be as it would normally be, and knowing that another night had showed me no sympathy I would venture downstairs, completely unaware of the recent nights activities.
Aiming to turn on the television in the living room, with nothing and no picture, did not arrive at much comfort, yet I figured that I would need the remote control, simple devices, for a simple world; yet it often was never all that simple. I hesitated for a few moments, and started going about my early morning ritual by proceeding to the kitchen, to find the lights were not working; what’s more a rather large puddle seemed to cover a vast area of the floor, next to the freezer. In my tired state of mind, I did not fully engage the environment and headed for the kettle, slapped the device; noticing the floor was dripping wet at my feet; and in the dull light, mopped up the water. Opening the freezer door, I found no trace of ice, only damp food; which by this point was well beyond its best.
The fridge was the same, and I could not even manage to get the kettle to boil either. Things slowly started making more sense after having no power; I was forced to use the Kitchen battery powered radio. A good few stations on the preset were mostly static, but one which kept repeating the same words over and over.
It amused me for a moment, as each syllable was a different voice, both male and female alternating. The more I would listen, the freakier it would become. I kept listening for a little longer, and I could not exactly hear it from the radio, yet screams would silently subconsciously be heard; this in itself started to make me feel a sense of fear surge through me. I turned the radio off; by this point, I was now fully awake and aware of my surroundings. I was starting to tell myself that it was time to wake up, pinching myself, to the point where I would start to bleed; watching blood trickle down my fingers, the sting would set in. I was seriously freaked out.
Trying to make sense of things, I sat down in the hallway and began trying to take stock of situation and decided that I was having a nervous breakdown and maybe a doctor would give me some drugs to bring me round. There was still this early twilight glow, and I would huddle in the almost perfect dark only with a torch and a cuddly toy for company.
After sometime, I awoke in the hallway, still with the same torch, the same toy, and the same twilight darkness; I could have been asleep, either minutes or hours it was impossible to actually tell. I looked at my wrist watch, only to find that the hands were not moving, just to hear it silently tick; yet well out of rhythm. Each tick set the atmosphere to get more and more lonesome; and a chill would then sweep through the still air, almost a passing draft, yet all remained still; until I would clamber my way under the stairs within the hallway, just to get to the fuse box. No switches had tripped, not one; still no power. The atmosphere would grow all the more eerie, with no light, no time, and no coffee.
Wading through the darkness using only the torch, to get back to the living room, I picked up the phone and all I could hear was static to just about any number called, even the operator and emergency services. I went back to the kitchen and decided to try the radio one more time, almost fooling myself, I dreamt up the previous sequence of events. In dire fear, I clicked on the radio, the last station, was no longer doing anything other than static. I began to question myself ‘was this death?’, as I wandered through more presets, only to hear static on each one.
More curiosity became of me, as opposed to fear, when one of the presets reached a station that would only play music from the 1930’s era, that was until the song finished and the only words that were heard would be ‘I WILL STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK’. The same style, and same creepy effect, yet this time, only once would the line be said; then the whole station became static. The odd thing being, as dark as it was, I did start to feel pleasantly amused by the music; that was until the voice.
I decided that I must have fallen into some kind of breakdown, or worse, and that not only could I not really think about at that moment, but also was unable to comprehend. I then heard footsteps approach and then a ‘KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK’, my nerves felt as though they turned into jelly. In the twilight darkness, a silhouette stood as bold as brass, and as clear as day; everything else remained the same. In the darkness, I believed I could not be seen, and stood in fear hoping the twilight visitor would leave.
A decent considerable amount of time would pass, whilst the silhouette would remain in place just standing as though awaiting a reply. I crept into the living room; as silently as possible, almost tripping in the process. Then picked up the phone in panic to phone the police, only to hear down the phone ‘I WILL STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK’, then the line went dead. In fright I dropped the phone to the floor, only for it to make a loud thud, breaking the silence. The visitor who owned the silhouette now knew I was in for sure. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife for protection, knowing that my visitor was not going to leave any time soon. Nervously approaching the door, I planned each fraction of a second in great detail; yet nothing could prepare for this.
The front door was unlocked, the catch turned, and the chain quickly fastened; I crept the front door back ajar, peered round with deep curiosity, only to find nothing, no-one, but the world outside. To describe the site I saw is almost impossible to describe. Planes flew overhead, covering the skyline in many directions, soldiers would march in formation. Camps were set up, and a huge panic seemed to have gripped many all around, driving some completely into the brink of despair.
It was clear that the military were looking for something, yet it was difficult to ascertain just what. Looking through the chaos, a calling was reaching to me; yet I had no idea just what it was that it was saying, or what exactly it was for that matter. How the hell I had heard nothing till I opened the door did not bare thinking over. I could see however that the nearby field was glowing without explanation. I wanted to get closer, and take a better look; yet the twilight still covered just about everywhere. I called out to a young rookie looking soldier, for any information; he turned and looked straight at me. As he turned his mouth fell half open to say something, but by the time he clasped a glance at me he saluted and froze in position. I assumed it was most likely him who had been standing at my door. His face seemed somewhat distorted as though it was partially metal. I came to the point that I had been drinking too much alcohol recently, even though I actually had not drunk in weeks. Another soldier came running and saluted me and insisted it was in my best interest to wait inside until the ‘zone’ was clear. In shear ignorance, I told him to drop dead, he pulled out his gun, I tried to apologise, hoping he was not going to shoot me. Instead he shot himself in the head, falling into a pile on the ground.
It was such a site to see, and everything seemed so surreal, yet it was happening as it is. Guilt surged through me and then the nerves struck, I started crying out;
“Please get up, do not die like this”.
Now I am still struggling to make sense of this so bear with me, the presumed dead soldier stood up dusted himself down and again saluted. I was left speechless, still guilt ran through me, yet i could not believe my eyes. Blood stains were all over him from the self inflicted gunshot, yet he instantly resumed duty and insisted I wait inside. Still speechless I went back inside and shut the door behind me. I was almost hysterical, and could even swear I had badly started to hallucinate. Was I dead? Was this hell? Why am I being saluted? All kinds of questions I kept asking myself, each one more puzzling than the one before.
War cry noises still tortured the world outside; some of the noises were unbearable. I wished for the noise to stop, and in an instant everything quietened down. I refused to believe just what I saw outside, and even refused I had even been outside; I even refused to acknowledge my muddy footprints I walked in with. I started swearing to myself that I was having an even worse breakdown than I thought originally; well that was until another knock at the door. This one seemed less creepy, perhaps more natural. Not sure what the hell i was doing I answered without question and opened the door wide open. This time the world outside had changed, the chaos had not just cleared; it was gone completely. No mess, no death, no destruction; just one soldier, the same one who had the metal face. He saluted and insisted I should go with him. I was still confused as to just what was going on.
Fragments of reality, appeared distorted, and I was insisted to hurry. Before I could even think about it, I was escorted to a vehicle, then what literally felt like seconds later, I was in a place well beyond home.

It's still in it's first draft, I would love your feedback on this passage, and I hope you enjoy it.
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